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Mit dem Vorschlag zur Überarbeitung des Europäischen Fonds für die Anpassung an die Globalisierung, der von der Kommission 2018 vorgelegt und im Rahmen des Aufbauplans für Europa von 2020 geändert wurde, werden Änderungen an den Kriterien für die Förderfähigkeit, den Kofinanzierungsvorschriften und dem Verfahren für die Inanspruchnahme vorgenommen. Außerhalb der Obergrenzen des Mehrjährigen Finanzrahmens (MFR) 2021–2027 sollte er weiterhin als Solidaritäts- und Nothilfefonds dienen und auf Ad-hoc-Basis ...

At 13.00 EST on 6 January 2021, the 117th United States Congress and US Vice-President Mike Pence assembled in the Capitol Building, seat of the US Congress in Washington, DC, to tally the electoral votes certified by the 50 states and the District of Columbia, thereby declaring Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, respectively, US President-elect and Vice-President-elect. The ceremony was interrupted when an angry mob, seemingly encouraged by President Donald Trump in a speech earlier that day, broke into ...

Die Europäische Kommission hat vorgeschlagen, 345 000 EUR für technische Unterstützung im Rahmen des Europäischen Fonds für die Anpassung an die Globalisierung in Anspruch zu nehmen. Der Haushaltsausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments unterstützt den Vorschlag und betont, dass der EGF dazu genutzt werden kann, dauerhaft entlassene Arbeitnehmer und Selbstständige vor dem Hintergrund der durch die COVID-19-Pandemie ausgelösten weltweiten Krise zu unterstützen. Das Parlament soll im Rahmen der Plenartagung ...

An employer's obligation to inform employees of the conditions applicable to their contracts is regulated by Directive 91/533/EEC. Major shifts in the labour market due to demographic trends and digitalisation, spawning a growing number of non-standard employment relationships, have made it necessary to revise this directive. The European Commission therefore came forward with a proposal for a directive aimed at updating and extending the information on employment-related obligations and working ...

The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) was created in 2006 to finance active labour market policies targeting workers who have lost their jobs because of trade adjustment. The fund was subsequently modified in 2009 to cover major structural changes triggered by the economic and financial crisis. The rules of the EGF are laid down in EU Regulation (EU) No 1309/2013, which stipulates that the fund will continue to be financed until 31 December 2020. In May 2018, the European Commission submitted ...

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's impact assessment (IA) accompanying the above-mentioned proposal, submitted on 21 December 2017 and referred to the European Parliament's Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. The proposal updates and replaces Directive 91/533/EEC (the Written Statement Directive, hereafter WSD), which gives employees the right to be notified in writing of the essential aspects of their contract or employment ...

Trade liberalisation is generally expected to bring net welfare gains to the domestic economy by reallocating resources to more productive firms or to industries with a comparative advantage. However, these gains are not always distributed evenly and can involve transitional costs for certain firms and workers. Trade adjustment measures are designed to compensate for these costs. The literature proposes mainly active labour policies (including training and other measures for re-employment) for dealing ...

Non-discrimination is a prerequisite in order to effectively guarantee the right of free movement of workers. Although EU legislation is in place, statistics indicate that migrant workers (EU nationals and non-EU nationals) are being discriminated against in the EU labour market. This note, produced at the request of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, discusses the legal framework protecting migrant workers against discrimination. It presents a summary of the impact of the economic crisis ...