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Während der Februar-II-Plenartagung soll das Parlament über eine vorläufige, zwischen dem Europäischen Parlament und dem Rat erzielte Einigung über die vorgeschlagene Verordnung über die Erhebung und den Austausch von Daten im Zusammenhang mit Dienstleistungen im Bereich der kurzfristigen Vermietung von Unterkünften abstimmen. Der Vorschlag zielt darauf ab, die Registrierung von Gastgebern und ihren Einheiten für die kurzfristige Vermietung von Unterkünften (wie Häuser, Wohnungen und Zimmer) zu erleichtern ...

We discuss the full inclusion of the owner-occupied housing costs (OOHCs) in the EU's harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP). We briefly review the main methods used for including these costs into consumer price indices, and in particular the reasons why the EU authorities prefer to adopt the net acquisitions approach rather than the rent equivalence approach, as other major countries did. We also argue that in the current scenario an acceleration of the EU's roadmap towards a full inclusion ...

The harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) is the measure used by the European Central Bank (ECB) to define its price stability target and guide policy. As such, it needs to relate closely to the actual inflation that households in the euro area are experiencing. Housing costs, an important part of household expenditures, are currently included in the HICP index through rental costs and only some minor elements of owner-occupied housing (OOH) costs. In July 2021, the ECB Governing Council recommended ...

How should housing be treated in the HICP?

Eingehende Analyse 29-10-2021

The ECB has approved a plan to include a measure of the cost of owner-occupied housing in the HICP. This paper reviews the various methodologies that are used to incorporate this element into consumer price indices. It recommends the use of a rental equivalence approach rather than the net acquisitions approach currently used in Eurostat’s experimental price index of owner-occupied housing. This paper was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at ...

This study was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PETI Committee. This paper analyses the Italian regulation framework on beach concessions within a compared European framework. It illustrates pending issues and the potential consequences of the judgment of the EU Court of Justice, C-458/14 e C-67/15, which may impose a comprehensive beach reform that cannot be delayed any further. The models adopted by ...

Tourism services have traditionally been provided by businesses such as hotels, taxis or tour operators. Recently, a growing number of individuals are proposing to share temporarily with tourists what they own (for example their house or car) or what they do (for example meals or excursions). This type of sharing is referred to as the 'sharing economy'. It is not limited to tourism and can be found in many areas of social and economic activity, although tourism has been one of the sectors most impacted ...