
Ihre Ergebnisse

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This note gives an overview of the ten key actions and their current state of implementation. Two Council Recommendations (Upskilling pathways, revision of the European Qualifications Framework) have been adopted in the meantime demonstrating general support together with partially substantial reservations by the Member States. The note has been prepared by Policy Department A to support the resolution by the European Parliament on the New Skills Agenda as well as the upcoming negotiations on the ...

This note presents key findings of a comprehensive study analysing participation, outcomes, quality and challenges of apprenticeships, internships/traineeships and volunteering schemes. Its focus is on two questions of particular relevance for the Employment and Social Affairs Committee:What are the employment effects of each scheme and to which extent do they show a risk of abusing young people as cheap labour? Further, it discusses different quality frameworks and remaining gaps.

This document summarises the presentations and discussions of the workshop on Skills development and Employability: New Skills Agenda for Europe held at the European Parliament in Brussels on Thursday 8 September 2016 as a common workshop for the Employment and Social Affairs and the Culture and Education Committees. The purpose of the workshop was to discuss selected legal acts of the Agenda and other key actions planned which are of particular relevance for the work of both Committees. During ...

This document gives a summary of the presentations and key points from discussions of the workshop on Skills development and Employability: New Skills Agenda for Europe held at the European Parliament in Brussels on Thursday 8 September 2016 as a common workshop for the Employment and Social Affairs and the Culture and Education Committees. Topics include the Skills Guarantee, attractiveness of vocational education and training, the revision of the European Qualifications Framework and the planned ...

This Policy Department A study examines precarious employment, its patterns, trends and policy strategies in Europe. It explores the risk of precariousness of different types of contract, using information from EU data analysis and literature review, as well as case studies of eight EU Member States. It finds that there are a range and degrees of risks of precariousness associated with all types of contract, based on key indicators of precariousness.

The current refugee influx represents the largest population movement in Europe since World War II. Its size and complexity make it difficult to draw conclusions on the economic challenges and prospects valid for each Member State of the European Union (EU). Many experts agree that, in the short term, the refugee influx will lead to rising costs, arising from the need to provide food, shelter and first aid. In the longer term, the refugee influx could be positive for the European economy by, for ...

Alle Arbeitnehmergruppen, die Gegenstand der Studie waren – Frauen, ältere Arbeitnehmer, Arbeitnehmer mit Behinderungen, junge Arbeitnehmer, Wanderarbeitnehmer, Arbeitnehmer mit befristeten Verträgen und gering qualifizierte Arbeitsnehmer – sind besonderen Gesundheits- und Sicherheitsrisiken am Arbeitsplatz ausgesetzt. Zwar verfügt die EU über ein Bündel an wirkungsvollen Rechtsvorschriften und eine umfassende Strategie in Bezug auf die Gesundheit und Sicherheit von Arbeitnehmern, aber weitere Maßnahmen ...

Diese Studie vermittelt einen Überblick über die Situation der Einwanderer in der Europäischen Union und befasst sich dabei schwerpunktmäßig mit dem Prozess ihrer Integration und deren Auswirkungen auf den Arbeitsmarkt. In Abschnitt 1 wird über den Gesamtumfang der Migration informiert und speziell darauf eingegangen, woher und weshalb Einwanderer in die EU-27 kommen und aus welchen Gründen ein Bedarf an Arbeitsmigranten besteht. In Abschnitt 2 wird die Beschäftigungssituation von Einwanderern und ...

For the discussion of the general framework directive on labour immigration and the proposal for a directive on the conditions of entry and residence of highly skilled workers the EP requested two briefing notes to examine whether migration is an answer to the Member States' ageing problems and to declining working-age population. It is suggested that Member States should focus on high-skilled workers or a mix of them including the low-skilled. Further issues, as whether quotas by economic sector ...

Diese Studie bezieht sich auf die Tschechische Republik, Deutschland und das Vereinigte Königreich und beinhaltet eine Beschreibung und eine quantitative Bestimmung „einfacher“ oder gering qualifizierter Arbeit aus der Gender-Perspektive sowie die Vorstellung von Beispielen guter Praxis im jeweiligen nationalen Kontext und in verschiedenen Branchen, die zu einer positiven Wahrnehmung und höheren sozialen wie ökonomischen Wertschätzung gering qualifizierter Arbeit beigetragen haben.