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Each year, International Migrants' Day is observed on 18 December. Designated by the United Nations General Assembly on 4 December 2000, in response to increasing migration around the world, the day aims to draw attention to migrants' human rights and highlight their contribution to our societies.

Upon request by the AFCO Committee, the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs commissioned an in-depth analysis on the political and institutional situation in the United Kingdom following the referendum on the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. The research analyses the post-Brexit political developments in the UK, the various parameters that should be taken into account, by both the UK government and the 27, in view of the Article 50 negotiations and the possible shape of ...

Diese Studie wurde auf Antrag des Rechtsausschusses von der Fachabteilung für Bürgerrechte und konstitutionelle Angelegenheiten des Europäischen Parlaments in Auftrag gegeben. In ihr werden die rechtlichen und praktischen Schwierigkeiten bestimmt und analysiert, denen ein Unionsbürger beim Erwerb von Wohneigentum im Ausland begegnet, und es wird untersucht, was unternommen werden kann, um Unionsbürger beim Erwerb von Wohnimmobilien in einem anderen Mitgliedstaat zu unterstützen, wobei zehn Empfehlungen ...

Nach Bildung einer konservativen Mehrheitsregierung im Zuge der britischen Unterhauswahl im Mai 2015 leitete der britische Premierminister David Cameron mit dem Ziel, eine „neue Regelung“ zwischen dem Vereinigten Königreich und der Union zu erreichen, Verhandlungen mit den anderen Mitgliedstaaten und den Organen der EU ein. Diese Neuverhandlungen sind nun abgeschlossen. Auf Grundlage der Vorschläge des Präsidenten des Europäischen Rates, Donald Tusk, erzielten die Mitgliedstaaten bei der Tagung ...

Dieser analytische Überblick enthält den ersten Teil der in den 28 Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union im Erhebungszeitraum vom 19. bis 29. September 2015 von TNS opinion durchgeführten Parlameter-Erhebung (EB/PE 84.1).Die Themen dieser ersten Veröffentlichung sind die Problematik der Migrationsbewegungen und der wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Lage.Auf der Ebene der EU sind vor allem die Migrationswelle der vergangenen Wochen und ihre Folgen sowie die Debatten über die Zukunft der EU zu nennen ...

Europe's share of the global population is declining and its population is ageing. Unemployment is still high, although rates vary between Member States, as well as within them. Women, young adults and older workers have a higher risk of unemployment, while the number of part-time workers is increasing. Migrants represent 7% of the European population and account for around 7% of total employment. They are usually younger and more likely to face disproportionately heavy housing costs, to live in ...

This paper seeks to provide an overview of the residence and benefits rights of EU citizens in a Member State other than their own, examining in particular criticisms of the current arrangements. Furthermore, it sets this issue in a wider context, providing statistical information on intra-EU immigration and access to benefits, as well as on the macro- and microeconomic impact of free movement within the EU.

Migration in the EU

Briefing 14-06-2013

This document focuses on migration within the EU, in the context of both EU citizens’ rights of free movement and residence, and of Member States’ diverse citizenship and labour migration laws. It looks into the topic with the intention of clarifying concepts and answering a number of questions: how many EU and non-EU citizens can be counted as migrants within the EU? How do migrants impact the national labour markets and what living conditions do they encounter in their new country of residence? ...

Perhaps one of the single greatest successes of the European Union is the creation of an area without borders in which people, goods and services move freely. In 2010 alone, there were almost 11 million citizens living in another Member State.ont.s

The European Single Market celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. On 1 January 1993 the then 12 Member States abolished the border controls between them, launching free movement of people, goods, services and capital. This spotlight aims to celebrate the Single Market’s anniversary, looking at the history of the European Union (EU) in terms of macro-economic indicators as the number of Member States has grown. It shows exports of goods, services and investments and movement of people within the ...