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Instrumentarium zum Schutz des EU-Haushalts vor Verstößen gegen die Rechtsstaatlichkeit: Die Verordnung über die Konditionalität der Rechtsstaatlichkeit ist ein neuer Rechtsakt, der im Januar 2021 in Kraft getreten ist. Er ermöglicht es der EU, Maßnahmen zur ergreifen, wenn Verstöße gegen die Grundsätze der Rechtsstaatlichkeit die wirtschaftliche Führung des EU-Haushalts oder die finanziellen Interessen der EU hinreichend unmittelbar beeinträchtigen oder ernsthaft zu beeinträchtigen drohen. Diese ...

On 30 November 2022, 12 years after the adoption of the first strategy on the EU's role in global health in 2010, the European Commission unveiled the EU global health strategy with the overarching goal of improving global health security and ensuring better health for all. The document takes stock of lessons learnt from the pandemic and guides EU action in an evolving landscape of threats and opportunities, including towards reasserting responsibility for attainment of the United Nations Sustainable ...

The global investment gap between high-income and low- and middle-income countries has been widening in recent years, even more so in the aftermath of the double crisis caused by the pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine. This divergence and underfunding are also negatively affecting global connectivity, which requires substantial financial resources for both its expansion and its maintenance. This is important for recovery from the current crisis, as the modern world is based on multifaceted ...

The last regular European Council meeting of 2022 is scheduled to take place on 15 December, and to deal with the main topics of this year: Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, security and defence, energy and the economy. On Russia's war on Ukraine, EU leaders are likely to reiterate their commitment to political and military support to Ukraine. Energy and the economy are purposely due to be dealt with together, to contain the discussion and to avoid a debate on setting up additional EU funding ...

Im Dezember 2021 legte die Kommission einen Vorschlag zur Änderung der Verordnung (EU) 2020/2093 über den mehrjährigen Finanzrahmen (MFR) für die Jahre 2021 bis 2027 vor. Die vorgeschlagene zielgerichtete Überarbeitung erfolgt zu folgenden Zwecken: a) Anhebung der MFR-Obergrenzen zur Aufnahme des Klima-Sozialfonds; und b) Einführung einer automatischen jährlichen Anpassung der MFR-Obergrenzen auf der Grundlage neuer Eigenmittel, um die Rückzahlung von Anleihen im Rahmen von NextGenerationEU zu ermöglichen ...

Entrepreneurial literacy and skills (ELS) empower European citizens to act on economic opportunities and enable them to adequately respond to ongoing impactful changes, such as the green transition, the ageing workforce and the digitalisation. This research paper analyses relevant empirical indicators of ELS, highlights the role of underrepresented groups in entrepreneurship and discusses EU-funded mechanisms in relation to ELS. The research paper concludes with recommendations on policy-making in ...

This initiative focuses specifically on the issue of economic coercion and the EU's possible response, aiming to preserve the EU's open strategic autonomy and policy-making space. The IA clearly defines the problem, its underlying causes, and the objectives to address it. The creation of a new legal instrument to deter and counteract economic coercion is the only type of option retained for analysis. This presumably follows on from the political commitment made in early 2021 (although this is not ...

Central banks attach great importance to inflation expectations. Households’ and firms’ expectations about the future path of inflation affect wage and price setting as well as consumption and investment decisions. Financial market participants’ expectations are relevant because they influence financial prices and financing conditions. Inflation expectations “anchored” around the inflation target are seen as a pre-condition for maintaining price stability and credibility of the central bank. Starting ...

The Media Action Plan released by the European Commission in December 2020 is the first policy document explicitly setting out a vision and dedicated initiatives for the news media sector. This paper discusses the current situation of the sector and its revenue streams, the important impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the main public and private funding models to support the sector.