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Connected TV is an internet-enabled TV which for the first time connects linear and non-linear media services in one device. In connected TV the boundaries between online and TV disappear, giving rise to the question of whether the existing regulations are prepared for this. In fact, the Audiovisual Media Services (AVMS) Directive regulating the linear signals is quite strict, but regulations drafted for non-linear services are not adapted to the present and future situation. The big question remains ...

In der Konvergenz zwischen Rundfunk und Breitband bietet „Connected TV“ Chancen zur Förderung des Wachstums und Verbesserung der sozialen Eingliederung für alle europäischen Bürger. Zur Lösung des Mangels an Interoperabilität entwickeln einige Akteure derzeit Ökosystem- Strategien zur Erschließung neuer Bereiche der Aggregation von Inhalten und der nicht-linearen Verbreitung, während das herkömmliche lineare Fernsehen ein hohes Maß an Widerstandsfähigkeit aufweist. Mehrere EURichtlinien sind in diesem ...

This note provides a brief introduction to the issue of the interoperability of digital interactive television services, with reference to the European Commission's 2006 Communication on the same subject. It evaluates the importance of the topic for the work of Parliament's Committee on Culture.