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Gemäß dem Subsidiaritätsprinzip müssen Entscheidun-gen auf der niedrigsten praktikablen Regierungsebene getroffen werden, ohne dabei jedoch die für alle Seiten positive Zusammenarbeit auf supranationaler Ebene zu gefährden. In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten gab es Bemü¬hun¬gen zur Stärkung des Subsidiaritätsprinzips in der EU-Gesetzgebung, einschließlich des bekannten Frühwarn¬mechanismus für nationale Parlamente. Dennoch ist Subsidiarität weiterhin ein umstrittenes Konzept. Dies wirkt sich nachhaltig ...

On 25 September 2017, the government of the autonomous Region of Kurdistan in Iraq, under its president, Masoud Barzani, organised a referendum on independence, disregarding calls by the Iraqi central government and the international community to postpone it. The referendum was held in the Kurdistan Region's constituencies and also in the neighbouring 'disputed' territories, in particular the oil-rich area of Kirkuk, which have de facto if not legally been governed by the Kurdish authorities since ...

Since June 2017, several significant developments have occurred in relation to the ratification process of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada. This updates an earlier 'at a glance' note, published in June 2017.

On 28 October 2016, the Council decided to sign the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), and on 15 February 2017 the European Parliament gave its consent to the agreement's conclusion. As CETA is a mixed agreement, the EU Member States are currently in the process of ratifying it in accordance with their constitutional requirements. Only after all have done so, can the Council adopt a decision to conclude CETA, after which the agreement will enter into force.

Die Bedeutung subnationaler Organe im Rahmen der Beschlussfassung der EU ist gestiegen. In dieser Hinsicht wurden durch den Vertrag von Lissabon bedeutende Änderungen eingeführt: eine ausdrückliche Bezugnahme auf die subnationale Dimension des Subsidiaritätsprinzips und das Recht des Ausschusses der Regionen, eine Nichtigkeitsklage zu erheben. Während der Frühwarnmechanismus zur Subsidiaritätskontrolle vorrangig eine Angelegenheit der nationalen Parlamente ist, stellen regionale Parlamente mit Gesetzgebungsbefugnissen ...

This in-depth analysis was written for a delegation from the Committee on Regional Development visiting Sicily. The analysis provides an overview of the region of Sicily, its political, economic and administrative system, and of the Operational Programme for the period of 2014-2020.

Executive summary The European Union supports the efforts of the Western Balkan countries for reform and regional cooperation through its Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance. Good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation remain key factors for advancing reforms in the countries with a view to EU membership. This briefing focuses on four dimensions: Interparliamentary cooperation, the free movement of people, civil society development and education. The general findings of each of the sections ...