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Diese von der Fachabteilung Bürgerrechte und konstitutionelle Angelegenheiten des Europäischen Parlaments auf Anfrage des AFCO-Ausschusses in Auftrag gegebene Studie untersucht die konstitutionellen und institutionellen Herausforderungen, denen sich die Europäische Union bei den Brexit-Verhandlungen stellen musste, und analysiert, ob die derzeitige Fassung von Artikel 50 des Vertrages über die Europäische Union in angemessener Weise angewendet wurde sowie ein effizientes und zweckmäßig organisiertes ...

In dieser Veröffentlichung des EPRS werden die Auswir¬kungen des Brexit auf die Rechte der Bürgerinnen und Bürger sowohl der Europäischen Union als auch des Vereinigten Königreichs untersucht. Sie beinhaltet einen Überblick über die durch das Austrittsabkommen, das am 1. Februar 2020 in Kraft trat, geschützten Rechte und die Maßnahmen, die das Vereinigte Königreich und die EU-Mitgliedstaaten auf einzelstaatlicher Ebene ergriffen oder ins Auge gefasst haben, um die einschlägigen Bestimmungen dieses ...

On 14 November 2018, the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) negotiators announced their approval of the legal agreement on the UK's withdrawal from the EU. At a special European Council meeting on 25 November 2018, EU leaders endorsed the draft withdrawal agreement, as well as the text of a non-binding political declaration setting out the framework for the future EU-UK relationship. While the process of approving the withdrawal deal (the agreement and the political declaration) began ...

In November 2018, the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) endorsed, at leaders’ level, an agreement that would ensure an orderly UK withdrawal from the EU on 30 March 2019, as well as a political declaration setting out the main parameters of the future EU-UK relationship. The withdrawal agreement is an extensive legal document aiming, among other things, to preserve the essential rights of UK nationals living in the EU-27 and EU citizens living in the UK; to ensure that all financial ...

EU-27 leaders endorsed the withdrawal agreement and approved the political declaration on future EU-UK relations on 25 November 2018. After last minute statements regarding Gibraltar and clarification on a possible extension to the transition period removed all obstacles. The agreement is due to enter into force on 30 March 2019. President Tajani stressed that the European Parliament ‘welcomes the Political Declaration on the future relationship and regards it as an excellent basis on which to develop ...

Mit weniger als einem Jahr vor dem Austritt des Vereinigten Königreichs aus der Europäischen Union, stehen die Verhandlungen zur Fertigstellung eines Austrittsabkommen nunmehr unter starkem terminlichen Druck. Jüngste Fortschritte bei der Einigung auf einige Schlüsselthemen ermöglichten die Einleitung von Gesprächen über künftige Beziehungen zwischen beiden Verhandlungsseiten. Jedoch müssen vor dem Abschluss des Austrittsabkommens, von dem auch der durch das Vereinigte Königreich erbetene Übergangszeitraum ...

This is the reference document of the Workshop on ‘The Implications of ‘Brexit’ for the EU agricultural sector and the CAP’ of 9th November 2017, organised by COMAGRI and the Policy Department B. The purpose of this Workshop was to examine and debate the main budgetary, trade and institutional issues related to the Brexit process at the current state of negotiations. This document is structured in three parts: 1. Possible impact of Brexit on the EU budget and, in particular, CAP funding. 2. ...

There is the potential for severe disruption of agri-food trade between the UK and the EU27 as the UK prepares to leave the EU. This study reviews the additional trade costs that might arise and how they might be avoided under alternative future trade arrangements. The role of a transitional period in order to avoid a ‘cliff-edge’ for trade is examined. Options under the Common Agricultural Policy to address the negative consequences of Brexit for agricultural markets are discussed.

TThis paper outlines the consequences of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union in the area of consumer protection. It examines the withdrawal’s impact on consumer protection under different scenarios: a futire EEA membership of the UK (a); a relationship governed only by WTO rules; (c) a relationship governed by a “tailor-made agreement”. It comes to the conclusion that from the perspective of consumers in the EU28, an EEA membership of the UK is the most favourable scenario. Irrespective ...

Upon request by the AFCO Committee, the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs commissioned an in-depth analysis on the political and institutional situation in the United Kingdom following the referendum on the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. The research analyses the post-Brexit political developments in the UK, the various parameters that should be taken into account, by both the UK government and the 27, in view of the Article 50 negotiations and the possible shape of ...