
Ihre Ergebnisse

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To support its economy, provide mobility for people and goods and ensure the connectivity of all regions, while also limiting negative impacts on climate and environment, the EU has been building a multimodal transport network across its territory: the trans-European transport network (TEN T). TEN-T construction is supported by EU funding, an example of which is the dedicated Connecting Europe Facility programme. In December 2021, after evaluating progress in TEN-T implementation, the European Commission ...

The IA provides a comprehensive problem analysis, based on the evaluation of the current TEN-T Regulation, a public consultation, and targeted consultations with stakeholders and Member States. It is transparent about the methods and uncertainties (e.g. long-term funding) and limitations. The objectives and the policy options have a clear link to the problem definition. The IA comprehensively analyses the economic, social and environmental impacts of the policy options. However, territorial impacts ...

European Union Agency for Railways

Auf einen Blick 29-10-2019

Established in 2004, and based in Valenciennes (France), the European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) was set up to build a Single European Railway Area (SERA) and to make rail more effective and competitive. To contribute to these goals, ERA is tasked with enhancing technical compatibility and safety across EU rail systems. The EU's adoption of the technical component of the Fourth Railway Package in April 2016 has expanded ERA's powers, making the Agency a key player in rail security and interoperability ...

The current general guidelines for the development of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) were established by Regulation 1315/2013. The guidelines are supported by a dedicated EU funding instrument: the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), aimed at accelerating investments in the field of the trans-European networks, was established by Regulation 1316/2013. The CEF's budget has been approved for the period 2014-2020; if it is to be continued after 2020, it will need to be evaluated and re-negotiated ...

Romania's General Transport Master Plan is currently under preparation. This note summarizes its content with regard to rail transport. It also briefly describes the Romanian rail system and sheds light on the advanced state of disrepair of the infrastructure and the subsequent traffic volume collapse.

In dieser Studie werden Zustand und Qualität von Fahrbahnbelägen in der EU sowie die Tendenzen untersucht, die sich in jüngerer Zeit in den Haushalten der Mitgliedstaaten bei der Straßeninstandhaltung abzeichnen. Ziel ist es, die wirtschaftlichen und sicherheitsbezogenen Folgen zu überprüfen, die zu beklagen sind, wenn das Straßennetz nicht regelmäßig unterhalten wird. Die Verfasser gehen den wesentlichen Ursachen der ermittelten Unterschiede und den Folgen auf den Grund, die sich daraus für die ...

Eco-Efficient Transport

Studie 15-04-2013

An affordable, efficient and clean transport system is a basic pillar for economic growth and the quality of life in European countries. However, transport is still accompanied by a broad range of negative impacts on human health and the environment. It is still using huge amounts of finite resources. Congestion is increasingly hampering the efficiency of the system. Transport volumes are expected to further grow in the future. So, a transition to a more eco-efficient transport system is needed to ...

Urban transport is related to a wide range of unsolved problems and challenges that need to be tackled in order to guarantee a high quality of life in European cities and to make the transport system an even more efficient pillar of the European economies. This final report highlights relevant aspects and pathways for a transition to a more sustainable urban transport system. For this purpose, relevant technologies and the factors influencing end-user behaviour were analysed, as well as the interrelations ...

The allocation of airport slots in the EU

Auf einen Blick 06-12-2012

To address growing airport congestion in the European Union, the Commission is proposing to allow market-based mechanisms in slot trading and allocation, increased transparency in slot transactions, and greater independence for slot coordinators.

Die vorliegende Studie beschäftigt sich mit der Wechselbeziehung zwischen integrierten Plänen für den urbanen Verkehr (nachhaltige Pläne für urbane Mobilität bzw. urbanen Verkehr – sustainable urban mobility/transport plans [SUMP/SUTP]) und der Kohäsionspolitik der Europäischen Union. Nach der Erörterung des SUMP-Konzepts und der Rolle des Verkehrs bzw. des urbanen Verkehrs wird anhand von acht Fallstudien der Zusammenhang zwischen der integrierten urbanen Verkehrsplanung und der Bereitstellung finanzieller ...