
Ihre Ergebnisse

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The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

In dieser Studie, die von der Fachabteilung Bürgerrechte und konstitutionelle Angelegenheiten für den Petitionsausschuss in Auftrag gegeben wurde, wird ein Überblick über die rechtlichen und ökologischen Aspekte gegeben, die in der EU für die Messung der Stickstoffemissionen ins Wasser relevant sind, und dargelegt, wie die Kommission dafür sorgt, dass die Überwachungssysteme und deren Ergebnisse in der gesamten EU vergleichbar sind.

To reach the climate neutrality envisaged in the Green Deal by 2050, reducing agricultural GHG emissions is not enough, and efforts to implement large scale carbon sequestration in European agricultural soils will be necessary. The renewed CAP includes improvements in environmental conditionality and foresees eco-schemes and agri-environmental measures that can help achieve this goal. Carbon sequestration in soil is cost-effective, but improvements in methodology are still required, as well as the ...

In December 2019, the European Parliament declared a climate and environmental emergency in Europe and across the globe – a recognition of the challenges that the EU faces in this area. The agricultural sector is not only affected by climate change but also contributes significantly to it, according to some assessments. Evidence from a range of reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the European Commission's Joint Research Centre points to the impacts that climate change ...

This study discusses economic implications of the proposed EU regulation on the market of CE marked fertilizers. Depending on the design of the regulation, the costs can be substantial. The expected additional costs of introducing mandatory or voluntary maximum threshold levels for cadmium in inorganic fertilizer are larger than the expected benefits. Measuring cadmium concentration in food in combination with food consumption information seems to be a more cost-effective strategy. Harmonizing the ...

This document was prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) on the proposed cadmium regulation for phosphate fertilisers. Cadmium is a metal that can have adverse health effects on the general population. The use of mineral phosphate fertilisers contributes to about 60% of current cadmium emissions to soil. The proposed regulation aims to reduce soil and crop cadmium concentrations on the long term in most European regions ...

In 2003, the European Union established a biofuels support policy, primarily with the aim of lowering CO2 emissions in the transport sector. Critics have accused this policy of inducing indirect land use change (ILUC), which triggers an increase in global food prices and in food insecurity for the poor, promotes the creation of large land holdings and the use of available ('marginal') land in developing countries, and not least, boosts carbon emissions. Most research carried out recently suggests ...

In 2003, the European Union established a biofuels support policy, primarily with the aim of lowering CO2 emissions in the transport sector. Critics have accused this policy of inducing indirect land use change (ILUC), which triggers an increase in global food prices and in food insecurity for the poor, promotes the creation of large land holdings and the use of available ('marginal') land in developing countries, and not least, boosts carbon emissions. Most research carried out recently suggests ...

This document was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development. It contains two notes, drawn up within the framework of the Workshop on 'Measures at farm level to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from EU agriculture', which was held on 21 January 2014, during a COMAGRI meeting in Brussels. Note 1: Agriculture plays a key role in mitigating climate change. Mitigation measures at farm level have been shown to be effective, and the new CAP reform should help ...

Wie soll Europa auf die gestiegenen Ansprüche an unsere Nahrungsmittel- und Landwirtschaftssysteme reagieren, welche sich aus dem Wachstum der Weltbevölkerung, sich verändernden Ernährungsgewohnheiten und konkurrierenden Ansprüchen an landwirtschaftliche Nutzflächen ergeben? Dieser Bericht gibt einen Überblick darüber, wie die EU dazu beitragen kann, diesen Herausforderungen in den zukünftigen Jahrzehnten zu begegnen, und zeigt einige der Optionen auf, die besondere Aufmerksamkeit verdienen. Der ...