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The Committee on Legal Affairs is proposing that the European Parliament give its consent to EU accession to the Convention of 2 July 2019 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters, concluded within the framework of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.

The European Added Value Assessment (EAVA) estimates whether and to what extent adoption of EU minimum standards of civil procedure could generate European added value. The European added value is quantified as a percentage reduction of the total cost of civil procedure. The total cost of civil procedure is estimated based on data on the number of civil and commercial proceedings in the EU-28 and the cost of litigation in the Member States. Based on this analysis, the EAVA estimates that introducing ...

In May 2018, the Commission put forward a proposal for amending the existing Regulation on Cross-border Service of Documents in civil proceedings. The proposal aims, above all, to replace the existing mechanisms of paper transmission with an electronic system. National information technology (IT) systems would be connected into one network, and the use of paper transmission would become an exception, available only in the event of a failure of the electronic system. Within Parliament, a draft report ...

Der Wert von grenzüberschreitenden zivilrechtlichen Streitigkeiten beläuft sich auf etwa 7,7 Mrd. EUR pro Jahr. Die Durchsetzung grenzüberschreitender Handelsverträge in nationalen Gerichten ist aufgrund der häufig langwierigen Zivilverfahren und der Unterschiede bei den nationalen Verfahrensvorschriften jedoch umständlich. Der Rechtsausschuss schlägt vor, dagegen vorzugehen, indem ein beschleunigtes europäisches Zivilverfahren und möglicherweise sogar ein europäisches Handelsgericht eingerichtet ...

Ten years since its adoption, the EU Mediation Directive remains very far from reaching its stated goals. This briefing summarises the main achievements and failures in the implementation at national level. In addition, it assesses the conclusions of previous research and of the European Parliament's resolution on the implmentation of the Mediation Directive.

Seit 2015 müssen die Mitgliedstaaten die meisten Zivilurteile aus anderen EU-Ländern ohne eine Überprüfung des jeweiligen Inhalts akzeptieren (Abschaffung der Exequatur). Daher kamen Bedenken auf, ob sichergestellt werden muss, dass Zivilverfahren EU-weit gemeinsamen Mindeststandards entsprechen. Das Europäische Parlament soll im Juli über einen Bericht abstimmen, in dem die Kommission aufgefordert wird, einen Vorschlag für eine Richtlinie über solche Standards vorzulegen, die ein erster Schritt ...

Upon request by the JURI Committee this paper describes the European Law Institute/UNIDROIT Project for a text establishing Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure and subsequent efforts to establish a European set of procedures that would transcend national jurisdictional rules and facilitate the resolution of disputes arising from transnational commercial transactions. It is a rolling programme of rules, with comments designed to produce soft-law.

The Mediation Directive

Eingehende Analyse 16-12-2016

Taking into account the limited objectives set within the Mediation Directive, namely to facilitate access to alternative dispute resolution and promote mediation that would operate in a balanced relationship with judicial proceedings, its implementation throughout the European Union has been rather successful and unproblematic. In some Member States, it has triggered the establishment of previously non-existent mechanisms and institutions; in others, it has ensured some alignment of procedural law ...

The European Added Value Assessment (EAVA) presents a qualitative analysis of possible policy options and quantitative estimates on the possible additional value of taking legislative action on the EU level related to cross-border recognition of adoptions.The EAVA identifies economic and social costs, and notably the costs related to the incomplete protection of rights of mobile EU citizens, which are born as a result of the absence of regulation on automatic recognition of adoption decisions at ...

On 17 October 2016, Parliament's Legal Affairs Committee adopted a report on the application of the European Order for Payment procedure. The report is very critical of the Commission's belated implementation report and looks for the plenary to call upon the Commission to submit a fresh one.