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This paper, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee, proposes a permanent system for the allocation of seats in the European Parliament that ensures transnational electoral equality even under the conditions of increasing degressivity of national quotas. This is achieved through a system of proportional completion using a new EU-wide seat quota.

On 15 June and 7 July 2023, the German Federal Parliament approved the 2018 reform of the EU rules on elections to the European Parliament, and that approval is now awaiting promulgation before it takes effect. Enacting the reform requires the approval of all EU Member States. All but two – Cyprus and Spain – have given their approval. Cyprus is preparing to finalise its approval procedure, but Spain has not yet launched its. Once all Member States have given their approval and the EU reform law ...

In May 2023, the Council of the EU confirmed that the next elections to the European Parliament – the tenth since the first direct elections in 1979 – will take place from 6 to 9 June 2024. Ahead of Election Day, candidates and political parties will carry out electoral activities throughout the European Union (EU) to explain their political programmes and vision for the future of the EU to the electorate. In the same context, debates will take place on national platforms and media. Currently, election ...

Gender-balanced representation among the decision-makers of the European Union is an important step towards full realisation of the principle of equality between women and men enshrined in the EU Treaties. The Union has made steady and significant progress, starting from a very low presence of women among EU Commissioners and Members of the European Parliament at the time when those institutions were created. The European Parliament is today one of the world's most gender-balanced representative ...

An electoral threshold for the allocation of seats is the minimum percentage of votes that a political party or a coalition is required to collect in order to gain a seat in the legislative assembly. Thresholds are said to enable a better balance between governability and representativeness, by favouring the formation of stable majorities and avoiding excessive fragmentation of the legislative assembly. Thresholds are sometimes imposed by law, but in the absence of an explicit legal requirement, ...

Reform des Wahlrechts der EU

Auf einen Blick 27-06-2018

Das Europäische Parlament wird auf seiner Juli-Tagung voraussichtlich dem Entwurf eines Beschlusses des Rates zur Änderung des Wahlakts von 1976 zur Festlegung gemeinsamer Vorschriften für die Wahl zum Europäischen Parlament zustimmen. Unter anderem sind in den neuen Vorschriften Prozenthürden von 2 % bis 5 % für Wahlkreise vorgesehen, in denen mehr als 35 Sitze vergeben werden.

The legislative initiative report on the "Reform of the Electoral Law of the European Union", drawn-up by the Committee on Constitutional Affairs calls for amendment of the Act concerning the election of Members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage. In this report, the Co-Rapporteurs Danuta Hübner and Jo Leinen propose a number of measures with the aim of enhancing the democratic nature of the European elections; reinforcing the legal status of citizenship of the Union; improving ...

2014 European elections: national rules

Auf einen Blick 10-04-2014

This InfoGraphic looks at the forthcoming European elections, comparing key data for each Member State. The elections to the next European Parliament will be held in all EU Member States between 22 and 25 May 2014. Election day is set by each Member State according to its own traditions; in some, voting at European elections is compulsory. The EP currently, and temporarily, has 766 MEPs. After the 2014 elections, this will be reduced to 751 MEPs. The map provides information on the number of Members ...

The report maps the diffusion of electoral gender quotas in the 30 EU/EEA countries. In 21 of the countries some type of gender quotas are in use, either legislated or voluntary party quotas. The report evaluates the effectiveness of different quota types in different electoral systems. Some gender quotas have resulted in major leaps in women’s representation, while others had led to almost no change. The conclusion is that in order to be effective in changing women’s historical underrepresentation ...

Obgleich kontrovers diskutiert, kommen Geschlechterquoten bei Wahlen heute in nahezu der Hälfte aller Länder der Welt zur Anwendung. Die vorliegende Studie kartiert die Verbreitung von Geschlechterquoten in Europa und listet die zahlreichen unterschiedlichen Regelungen in der Praxis der Länder auf. Dabei werden die Argumente für und gegen die Festsetzung von Quoten beleuchtet sowie die Umsetzung und Wirkung von Geschlechterquoten im Einzelnen untersucht. In die Tiefe gehende Fallstudien wurden für ...