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Im Februar wird das Europäische Parlament über den Bericht über einen Vorschlag zur Regulierung von mit bestimmten neuen genomischen Techniken gewonnenen Pflanzen abstimmen, den sein Ausschuss für Umweltfragen, öffentliche Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit (ENVI) angenommen hat. Der Text in der angenommenen Fassung bildet den Standpunkt des Europäischen Parlaments für die Verhandlungen mit dem Rat, der seinen Standpunkt noch festlegen muss.

This Briefing concerns a portfolio change in the European Commission in mid-mandate and takes the same format and approach as those Briefings published in September 2019 to give Members of the European Parliament an overview of major issues of interest in the context of the Hearings of the Commissioners-designate.

This At a glance note summarises the study providing an up-to-date expert assessment and comparison between the life cycle’s carbon footprint of battery electric and internal combustion engine passenger cars. It presents evidence from the literature and from life cycle assessment modelling and concludes with policy recommendations. The analysis includes sensitivities, regional variations for six Member States, and also the effects of technical and legislative development on the potential outlook ...

In der Plenartagung im September 2022 soll das Parlament den Bericht des Ausschusses für Industrie, Forschung und Energie (ITRE) über den Vorschlag der Kommission zur Überarbeitung der Richtlinie über Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen im Rahmen des Pakets „Fit für 55“ erörtern. Bei der anschließenden Abstimmung wird der Standpunkt des Parlaments für die Trilogverhandlungen festgelegt.

Responding to the challenge of rebuilding a resilient, sustainable, beautiful and more socially inclusive Europe, while facing a climate crisis and a pandemic, the New European Bauhaus has been launched as a comprehensive programme to break down silos and go beyond innovation within specific sectors. In its efforts to foster collaboration between arts, technology, science, social and cultural enterprises, citizens and institutions, the New European Bauhaus wishes to be open to insights, ideas and ...

Each year, millions of live animals are transported by road, sea, rail and air within, and to or from, the European Union, for a number of reasons, such as slaughter, fattening or breeding. To protect their welfare during those journeys, the EU adopted Regulation 1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport. An evaluation of the regulation showed that, when correctly implemented and enforced, it had a positive impact on the welfare of animals. However, in some areas weaknesses still persist ...

The impact assessment presents a useful analysis of the challenges facing the field of public shared information in the EU. The emphasis on SMEs and on the improvement and simplification of the re-use of public research data is a strength of the IA. On the other hand, the range of options examined is limited and the operational objectives lack specificity. Furthermore, the views of the stakeholders could have been better reflected and their concerns in terms of use of personal data and database protection ...

The ECSC Treaty, which was concluded for a period of 50 years from its entry into force, expired on 23 July 2002. Accordingly, in the run-up to its expiry, and in view of the benefits which the coal and steel sectors derived from the ECSC research and technological development programmes, the European Council, in the resolution on growth and employment which it adopted in Amsterdam on 16 and 17 June 1997, determined that revenues from reserves outstanding at the expiry of the Treaty should be used ...

The EU public-private partnerships (PPPs) in research were set up in the context of the development of European Research Area policy in 2003 with two main objectives. First, they were to address the fragmentation of research efforts between the private and public sector and across borders. Second, they were to increase public and private investment in research activities to reach the target of 3 % of EU gross domestic product. The first PPPs – the European Technology Platforms and the Joint Technology ...

Schon seit langem werden bei der Ausarbeitung politischer Maßnahmen in Bereichen wie Landwirtschaft, Umweltschutz, Lebensmittel und anderen die Auswirkungen neuer Rechtsakte auf die Gesundheit berücksichtigt. Inzwischen ist die Einbindung der Gesundheitspolitik in alle Politikbereiche im Vertrag von Lissabon verankert (Art. 168). Ziel dieses Workshops war es, einen aktuellen Überblick über die Umsetzung dieses Ansatzes innerhalb der verschiedenen Kommissionsdienststellen zu geben. Vertreter mehrerer ...