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This study examines the EU Algae Initiative of the European Commission and gives an overview of the European algae sector in terms of production, applications, opportunities and barriers. The 23 targeted actions proposed by the Commission have been set out with the goal of unlocking the vast potential of algae for the EU’s Blue Bioeconomy, addressing key challenges, such as food security and climate change mitigation. For successfully developing the sector, a set of barriers will need to be overcome ...

Umweltauswirkungen von 5G

Studie 30-06-2021

Telekommunikationsnetze verwenden hochfrequente elektromagnetische Felder, um eine drahtlose Kommunikation zu ermöglichen. Diese Netze wurden im Laufe der Zeit weiterentwickelt und in aufeinanderfolgenden Generationen in Betrieb genommen. Die fünfte Generation von Telekommunikationsnetzen wird Frequenzen nutzen, die in den bisherigen Generationen eher selten verwendet wurden. Dadurch wird sich die Exposition von Flora und Fauna gegenüber diesen Wellen verändern. Der vorliegende Bericht enthält eine ...

This briefing, provided to the European Parliament in preparation for the UN Ocean Conference in New York in June 2017 takes into account discussions and developments until March 2017. The briefing includes: an overview of the UN 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG 14); a description of the Ocean Conference, including the Preparatory Meeting held in February 2017 and other issues leading up to the Conference; the position of governments and stakeholders in ocean use and governance ...

European funding for research activities was envisaged in the first Community Treaties, related to coal and steel and nuclear energy, and was extended in the early 1980s with the establishment of a European framework programme for research. Research policy was subsequently progressively integrated in the Treaties, to become a shared competence between the European Union (EU) and its Member States. European funds for research and innovation activities are distributed between several interlinked ...

The changing climate affects many sectors of business and society. Different kinds of adap­tation measures are needed for each situ­ation – there is no one-size fits all approach. In the EU, adaptation is primarily the responsibility of Member States and local actors. The European Commission (EC) supports coordination, research and knowledge-sharing. In April 2013, the ECadopted an EU adaptation strategy, which sets out EU actions and promotes actions by Member States.

This workshop was held at the European Parliament in Brussels on 18 June 2013 by the ENVI committee in the context of its implementation report on 'Developing and Applying Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Technology in Europe'. The aim of the workshop was to discuss the potential role of CCS in reducing carbon pollution, as well as its barriers and challenges and possible ways to move forward with CCS in Europe.

Wasser ist eine der wichtigsten natürlichen Ressourcen, die im Rahmen der Politik der EU für Ressourceneffizienz sowie der globalen politischen Rahmenbedingungen der UN eine zentrale Rolle einnehmen. Sowohl die Qualität als auch die Menge an Wasser spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der nachhaltigen Bewirtschaftung dieser natürlichen Ressource. Die Landwirtschaft hängt von vielen verschiedenen natürlichen Ressourcen ab; eine davon ist Wasser. Der Klimawandel wird die bereits bestehende Belastung der ...

Reports about bee colony losses and damage have increased in recent years all over Europe. Neonicotinoids, a class of systemic insecticides, are more frequently associated with the pollinator declines. The present briefing note gives an overview about neonicotinoid uses and recent scientific findings on their impact on bee colony survival and development. Risk-mitigation measures aimed at protecting non-target organisms (such as bees), are outlined and discussed.