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Mit dieser Studie, die von der Fachabteilung Bürgerrechte und konstitutionelle Angelegenheiten des Europäischen Parlaments auf Ersuchen des LIBE-Ausschusses in Auftrag gegeben wurde, soll eine vergleichende Analyse der wichtigsten Gesetze über gemeinnützige Organisationen, die in einigen ausgewählten Mitgliedstaaten der EU in Kraft sind, durchgeführt werden. Anschließend wird eine mögliche Gesetzgebungsinitiative der Europäischen Union zu diesem Thema erörtert. In der Studie werden die verschiedenen ...

Das Europäische Solidaritätskorps ist in den Prioritäten der Kommission für das aktuelle Mandat unter der Überschrift 5 „Förderung unserer europäischen Lebensweise“ aufgeführt. Anfangs litt das Programm unter Imageproblemen und unzureichender Kommunikation, da es mit anderen seit langem bestehenden Programmen für ähnliche Tätigkeiten konkurrierte. Mit der derzeit vorgeschlagenen Verordnung wird das Programm zu einer zentralen Anlaufstelle für alle solidarischen und humanitären Freiwilligentätigkeiten ...

European Solidarity Corps

Briefing 12-10-2018

The Commission launched the European Solidarity Corps in a December 2016 communication, and the present proposal for a regulation would set its legal basis, define the budgetary and implementation arrangements, specify objectives and define key terms. The Corps would have a volunteering strand on the one hand and a smaller occupational strand (traineeships and jobs) on the other. All placements focus on solidarity actions and will last between 2 to 12 months. The proposal set a target of 100 000 ...

This study provides an assessment of the legislative proposal for the establishment of the European Solidarity Corps. It focuses on the added value of the ESC; challenges linking EU programmes; and the complementarity to paid employment. It concludes that in principle the initiative is welcome; however, many issues in the proposal (and supporting documentation) are not sufficiently made clear. The most important concerns are: 1) level of engagement of stakeholders in the ESC framework; 2) feasibility ...

Freiwilligentätigkeit in der EU

Auf einen Blick 19-10-2016

Freiwilliges Engagement ist ein Kernelement der Bürgerbeteiligung. In den letzten 20 Jahren haben sich im Rahmen des Europäischen Freiwilligendienstes etwa 100 000 junge Menschen weltweit freiwillig engagiert und damit in so unterschiedlichen Bereichen wie Bildung, Jugendarbeit, Kultur, Sport, Umwelt, Gesundheit, Sozialhilfe, Verbraucherschutz, humanitäre Hilfe, Entwicklungspolitik, Forschung, Chancengleichheit und Außenbeziehungen einen persönlichen Beitrag geleistet.

The study examines the legal, administrative and other barriers to cross-border volunteering which prevent it from achieving its full potential. Those barriers include uncertainty and the risk of forfeiting social security benefits, the unclear framework for obtaining residence permits in some host countries, the lack of clear procedures for the recognition of the skills and competences gained through volunteering, the lack of positive action and information on volunteering opportunities, and insufficient ...

Organised civil society in Russia

Auf einen Blick 30-06-2015

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently described civil society organisations as 'indispensable partners of the state' in providing social services and building a modern economy. However, Russian NGOs lack public support; in addition, their independence is being steadily undermined by repressive new laws and growing state control.

Social impact bonds are a results-based form of social impact investment. Private investors provide capital to launch or expand innovative social services that provide a public good. The European Parliament has called for greater use of innovative financing for social benefit and for more specific proposals from the European Commission.

European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps

Auf einen Blick 20-02-2014

The European Commission's proposal for the setting up of a European Voluntary Humanitarian Aid Corps (EVHAC) is aimed at encouraging young Europeans to contribute to EU humanitarian aid operations and make them more visible. With pilot volunteers already on the ground, adoption of the proposed regulation will ensure the initiative maximises its contribution to EU aid objectives.

This note gives an overview of the current situation faced by women in the fisheries and aquaculture sector in Europe and the prerequisites for improved gender mainstreaming. It presents and discusses the available data on female employment in the sector, the problems faced by women’s fisheries organisations and their future prospects. The note also proposes that the impact of the EFF on the promotion of gender equality should be evaluated, and outlines the expectations vested in the EMFF.