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This report analyses the options under international law for the confiscation of Russian state assets to support Ukraine's reconstruction. It focuses on Russian Central Bank assets, US$300 billion of which are frozen in various jurisdictions. The report considers four avenues for overcoming Russia's immunity from enforcement: avoidance of immunity through purely executive or legislative action; justification for the breach of international law on the grounds that it is a countermeasure; evolution ...

In 2016, with unprecedented numbers of irregular migrants and asylum-seekers arriving in the EU, the European Commission proposed a package of reforms to the common European asylum system (CEAS). In June 2018, a broad provisional agreement was reached between the European Parliament and the presidency of the Council of the EU on several of the reform proposals. However, the agreement did not get the necessary support from the Member States. The reform stalled owing to persistent disagreements among ...

The North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) is an intergovernmental fisheries management organisation responsible for fishery resources in the North-East Atlantic, particularly in international waters. As a member, the EU incorporates NEAFC decisions into Union law. In January 2024, the European Parliament's Committee on Fisheries is due to vote on a proposal to integrate the NEAFC rules into a new regulation.

The 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights falls on 10 December 2023, against a background of war, conflict and geopolitical tensions that would have been familiar to its drafters, and new challenges, such as climate change and technological advances, which they would not have imagined. Then and now, the Declaration, which has served as a foundation for the codification of human rights at global, regional and national level, remains a central reference to be invoked for the ...

Während der November-I-Tagung soll das Europäische Parlament darüber abstimmen, ob es dem Abschluss eines neuen Fischereiabkommens mit Madagaskar und des dazugehörigen Durchführungsprotokolls zustimmt. Mit diesem neuen Rahmen werden die Fischereibeziehungen zwischen der EU und Madagaskar wiederhergestellt, indem der EU-Flotte Zugangsrechte für die Fischerei in den Gewässern Madagaskars eingeräumt werden. Im Gegenzug trägt die EU zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung der lokalen Fischerei und zum Schutz der ...

Tax authorities and businesses in the EU are preparing for the implementation of the minimum corporate tax ('Pillar Two'), following the milestone global agreement reached in the OECD Inclusive Framework in 2021. Questions have however been raised as to the extent to which countries should reform their tax incentives, in a world where the global minimum corporate tax can undermine such incentives.

This is the fifth edition of the EPRS rolling check-list on review and monitoring clauses in EU international agreements. Conceived as an implementation monitoring tool for the European Parliament, it gives an analytical overview of the various review and monitoring clauses, management and implementation clauses, reporting clauses, consultation clauses, and sunset clauses contained in bilateral and multilateral agreements the EU has concluded with third countries. Complementing the October 2019 edition ...

In dieser von der Fachabteilung Bürgerrechte und konstitutionelle Angelegenheiten des Europäischen Parlaments auf Ersuchen des JURI-Ausschusses in Auftrag gegebenen Studie werden die Auswirkungen des Brexit auf das Profil der justiziellen Zusammenarbeit in Zivilsachen analysiert. Es wird der bestehende Rechtsrahmen untersucht, um die Rechtsbereiche zu ermitteln, in denen in den Beziehungen zwischen der EU und dem Vereinigten Königreich eine Lücke besteht. Es werden die Folgen des Nichtbeitritts des ...

In recent years, there has been renewed interest in the true degree of academic freedom around the world despite international declarations, and constitutional and legal protection. This study aims to support the European Parliament's STOA Panel in developing a procedure to monitor developments in academic freedom in the EU Member States. The study provides an overview of the interpretation of academic freedom in different international declarations, and offers a critical assessment of existing evaluation ...

EPRS invites leading experts and commentators to share their thinking and insights on important topics of relevance to debate in the European institutions. In this paper, Bruce Stokes, visiting senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, and associate fellow at Chatham House, offers an overview of the development of U.S.-EU relations since 1957, with a strong emphasis on ties in the last 30-40 years, largely based on the author's interviews with former officials who lived that ...