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Diese Studie wurde auf Antrag des JURI-Ausschusses von der Fachabteilung für Bürgerrechte und konstitutionelle Angelegenheiten des Europäischen Parlaments in Auftrag gegeben und überwacht. Die Rückgabe von bei vergangenen oder laufenden bewaffneten Konflikten geplünderter Kunst stellt für unsere Gesellschaften ein großes Problem dar. Die Einforderung der Rückgabe vor Gericht – oft in ausländischen Staaten – hat sich als schwierig erwiesen. Aus diesem Grund nehmen die betroffenen Parteien immer ...

This workshop raised awareness on this issue and opens a debate on future transparent investigation by the European Union into organ transplant practice. The workshop consisted of different presentations and an exchange of views between MEPs and established experts in transplantation of organs, organ trafficking and international crime. The current organ trafficking around the world has created a substantial health risk contributing to a serious abuse of human rights, particularly of the right ...

In June 2015, a UN resolution launched the development of a legally binding international instrument expected to break new ground in the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction. Fisheries aspects to be considered in this future agreement are discussed in a European Parliament report.

Human rights in Nigeria

Auf einen Blick 09-03-2016

Despite its democratic progress, Nigeria's human rights situation remains problematic. The most egregious violations occur in the context of the internal fight against the Boko Haram insurgency. Other widespread patterns of human rights violations relate mainly to weak rule of law and an intricate legal system, impunity of security forces, and discriminatory social practices.

An unprecedented mass movement of asylum-seekers and migrants of all ages started in 2014, and has continued throughout 2015 and into 2016. Fleeing armed conflicts, mass killings, persecution and pervasive sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), these persons seek protection under the 1951 Refugee Convention, its subsequent Protocol and other international instruments. In times of such instability, women and girls are particularly at risk of gender-based violence, including sexual violence. Between ...

This study provides an overview of the practice of forced marriage in the EU from a gender equality and women’s rights perspective. It analyses the definitions of forced marriage and puts forward a definition from a gender perspective. It also provides an overview of the relevant international/EU legislation, policies and deliberations, as well as national policies, civil law and criminal law (in the 12 Member State that criminalise forced marriage). For those Member States that criminalise forced ...

Violence against women is a violation of human rights and a form of gender-based discrimination. Rooted in inequalities between men and women, it takes many forms. Estimates about the scale of the problem are alarming. Such violence has a major impact on victims and imposes a significant cost burden on society. The instruments put in place by the United Nations and Council of Europe are benchmarks in efforts to combat violence against women. The EU is tackling the problem in various ways, ...

Förderung von Toleranz in der EU

Auf einen Blick 13-11-2015

1995, in dem von den Vereinten Nationen (VN) ausgerufenen Jahr der Toleranz, erklärten die Vereinten Nationen den 16. November zum Internationalen Tag der Toleranz. Der Tag sollte als Warnung vor den Gefahren der Intoleranz dienen, aber auch daran erinnern, wie wichtig es ist, Toleranz durch Sensibilisierung der Öffentlichkeit, Bildung und andere Maßnahmen zu fördern. Neue Forschungs- und Umfrageergebnisse machen deutlich, wie wichtig dieser Tag noch heute ist. Die EU engagiert sich seit langem aktiv ...

Upon request of the FEMM committee, the study evaluates the Strategy for Equality between women and men 2010-2015 as a contribution towards achieving Beijing Platform for Action goals and provides indications on the future post-2015 multiannual policy framework. The study assesses the extent to which the Strategy was appropriate and comprehensive enough to contribute to the BPfA implementation and, more in general, to gender equality at the European and international level, and whether the planned ...

The Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict was co-chaired by the UK and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. An International Protocol on the Documentation and Investigation of Sexual Violence was a key result of the summit. The summit also highlighted the importance of: - providing support for victims of sexual violence ; - strengthening the capacity of national and international security and justice personnel ; - closer international cooperation. Building on the ...