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The Czech Republic (Czechia) has a parliamentary system of government. The Czech Parliament consists of Poslanecká sněmovna (the Chamber of Deputies) and Senát (the Senate), both elected directly. It is considered an imperfect bicameral system, with the Chamber of Deputies able to overrule the Senate in most instances (Chapter II of the Czech Constitution adopted in 1992). Equal powers between the two chambers are limited to constitutional and electoral laws, the ratification of international agreements ...

The establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on 1 July 2002 was heralded at the time as a major breakthrough for ending impunity for most serious crimes of international concern, namely genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Fifteen years later, the record of the Court is mixed and criticism from both supporters and opponents has abounded. The challenges and the criticism it is currently facing are typical of many other multilateral institutions today. The Court has conducted ...

Wirtschaftsdiplomatische Strategie der EU

Eingehende Analyse 03-03-2017

Angesichts der Globalisierung und des Erstarkens neuer Wirtschaftsmächte befindet sich die politische Nachkriegsordnung derzeit in einem tief greifenden Wandel. Agens politischen Einflusses ist heute zunehmend die Wirtschaft und anstelle früherer nationaler oder regionaler Risse tut sich die Kluft nun auf globaler Ebene auf. In dem Maße, in dem die EU als globaler Wirtschaftsakteur an Bedeutung gewann, wurde es angesichts der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise immer wichtiger, ausländische Märkte zu erschließen ...

Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa transformed his country into a bold and assertive presence on the world stage. He supported new Islamist forces in countries affected by the Arab Spring, but ensured continuity in the Gulf. The appointment of the new cabinet suggests a slightly more domestic orientation. The youthful ruler may coordinate more with regional partners, but will maintain an independent approach to international questions.

Centrist cleric Hassan Rowhani wins Iran's presidential election in a surprise landslide victory, securing 52 % of the votes. The Iranian presidential election took place at a time of unprecedented economic isolation. Rowhani's victory is due to an unprecedented upsurge of mobilisation a mere three days before the vote. President Rowhani will have little leeway in foreign policy matters, these powers belonging to the Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei. Whether Rowhani will be willing to challenge the primacy ...