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Traditionally the social economy is considered to be an ever-growing set of private, formally organised enterprises and networks that build on multiple types of resources and cooperation, with local anchorage and democratic and participatory decision-making processes. Its primary aim is not to make profit but to meet the needs of its members and that of the wider society. The social economy is active in an increasing number of sectors, and while some of its actors are small non-profit organisations ...

In the current debate about employee’s financial participation in their companies, a lot of attention has focussed on the Spanish model of Sociedades Laborales. These three briefings, commissioned by Policy Department A for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL), present the legal framework for these companies as well as statistics on their survival rate and job retention, an academic’s view of the model and a practitioner’s observations. Past attempts at transposing the model to other ...

There is an increasing demand for the EU to become a ‘Security Provider’. This demand comes from Europe’s best ally, namely the U.S., but also from Member States themselves. For the first time ever the defence solidarity clause of article 42.7 of the Treaty on European Union was invoked in November 2015. Ultimately the demand to put ‘more defence in the Union’ comes from European citizens who wonder why Europe does not protect them in the current turmoil. From the answer to this question depends ...

In August 2015, the Obama administration promulgated a landmark regulation known as the Clean Power Plan (CPP), to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from fossil-fuelled power plants. Soon after the publication of the CPP in the Federal Register, state and industry petitioners contended that the administration had exceeded its authority under the Clean Air Act (CAA), violated the historic and legal authority of the states, and imposed unmanageable restructuring of the power sector. In February ...

This paper, produced by Policy Department A for the ITRE Committee, describes, analyses, and recommends options as to how European industry can contribute to sustainable growth and competitiveness in the EU. It reviews factors that influence growth and competitiveness, and links case studies from European industry to related barriers and enablers. It presents recommendations for framework conditions that public authorities can influence in order to promote European industry in repositioning itself ...

In 2007 the EU member states inaugurated a European Defence Technological and Industrial Base strategy. The gradual integration of national DTIB should lead to selfsufficiency for security of supply – but on a European rather than national level. A better co-ordinated, less duplicative defence landscape was to emerge, to better serve the political objectives of European defence. Six years on, with the European Council on defence scheduled for later this year, this is the right time to define where ...

Die Wirtschaftkrise hat, neben einem erhöhten Wettbewerbsdruck auf EU-Ebene, dazu geführt, dass immer mehr Unternehmen von Umstrukturierungen oder Schließungen betroffen sind. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist Offenheit gegenüber Veränderungen von grundlegender Bedeutung, um in einem globalen und herausfordernden Marktumfeld wettbewerbsfähig zu sein. Gleichzeitig besteht die dringende Notwendigkeit, die negativen Folgen der darauf folgenden Anpassungen des Arbeitsmarkts sowohl für die Arbeitnehmer als auch ...