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Das vorliegende Dokument ist die Zusammenfassung der Studie über ländliche Gebiete – Ebenen der Unterstützung und Auswirkungen auf die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben. Die vollständige Studie, die in englischer Sprache verfügbar ist, kann heruntergeladen werden unter:

Understanding farmer income

Auf einen Blick 11-04-2019

Farmer income is a key element in EU agricultural policy, aiming at ensuring a fair standard of living for the agricultural community and helping farmers face the risks inherent to their business. Measurement relies on two EU wide data sources. Understanding what agricultural receipts these data measure, and how, is key to evaluating farm policy in EU Member States and important in light of the proposed performance based policy framework.

This study provides a comparative analysis of global agricultural policies aimed at drawing lessons for the future of the CAP. Against the background of the main trends in agricultural support as well as recent changes and new initiatives in global agricultural policies, an in depth analysis is made of selected instruments in five countries (Australia, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, US). Recommendations are made on how current instruments and the policy mix can be improved to better address challenges ...

This study explains how threats to soils and soil services are linked to agricultural soil management, how threats can be mitigated, and which barriers complicate this. It highlights trade-offs and synergies that exist between different interests affected by soil management, such as climate change mitigation, water and air quality, biodiversity, food security and farm income. Conservation of peatland and extensive agro-forestry systems, and protecting soils against sealing, erosion and compaction ...

With the main stated objectives of the CAP in mind, relevant comparisons that involve the incomes of farmers are made. EU official data sources are used to describe income differences between holdings of different sizes and types and between Member States. Comparisons between the incomes of farmer household and other groups in society have to rely on ad hoc information. Recommendations relate to the support of small farms, actions to mitigate instability and to fill the important gap in farm household ...

Im US-Agrargesetz 2014 sind Risikomanagementinstrumente als fester Bestandteil der nationalen Agrarpolitik enthalten, wahrend die GAP 2014– 2020 sie eher als Nachtrag aufzunehmen scheint. Die Grundsatze der EU sind zwar solide, die Politik bleibt jedoch in der Schwebe. Sie leidet an einer doppelten Dichotomie: zwei GAP-Saulen und zwei Verwaltungsebenen zur Umsetzung. Es werden zehn Empfehlungen vorgeschlagen, um den derzeitigen Schwebezustand fur die Politik des Agrarrisikomanagements der EU in ...

The growing uncertainties faced by agriculture can be successfully managed by means of insurance. The Spanish agricultural insurance scheme is based on a mixed “public/private” model and is designed to guarantee crop and livestock farmers coverage for any uncontrollable natural phenomenon. The system is consolidated, with an establishment of 55%, and it now has the experience to advance, bringing in new coverages such as market risks.

Diese Studie beinhaltet eine Darstellung der Betriebsprämienregelung, ihrer Umsetzung in den einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten und ihrer wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen. Ferner werden verschiedene Änderungsvorschläge betrachtet und Reformoptionen aufgezeigt. Für die nächste Finanzielle Vorausschau wird ein neues Direktzahlungssystem vorgeschlagen. In dessen Rahmen soll dann eine schrittweise Schwerpunktverlagerung von der Einkommensstützung auf die Vergütung von Gemeinwohlleistungen erfolgen. Die vorgeschlagene ...

The present study assesses the impact of the costs crisis of 2007 and 2008. The analysis is made for beef, pig, poultry and sheep livestock farming. Costs and incomes are compared for a panel of typical farms in 6 EU countries. Strengths and weaknesses of main meat farming systems are highlighted. Sensitivity of each system is tested against different 2014 scenarios. Finally, recommendations are made about possible actions.

The report provides elements of analyses of the 2008 US Farm Bill, with comparisons of the relevant provisions of the EU Common Agricultural Policy. The focus is on the economic analyses of the consequences of the changes in the US agricultural policy brought about by the new legislation, the comparison with the EU Health Check reform process, and the compatibility of the US legislation with current World Trade Organization provisions as well as with a potential agricultural agreement under the Doha ...