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In der FA wird anscheinend eine gute und verständliche Analyse zur Identifizierung der gegenwärtigen Probleme geliefert, werden die Ziele der EU-Maßnahmen definiert, Maßnahmenoptionen aufgezeigt, durch die diese Ziele erreicht werden können, die Folgen dieser Optionen abgeschätzt und die besten Optionen zur Behandlung der ermittelten Probleme ausgewählt. Es macht den Anschein, dass diese Vorgehensweise auf einer fundierten Datenbasis und Forschung beruht. In der Erklärung der Ziele erscheint die ...

Die neuen Vorschläge stützen sich auf die bisherigen Rechtsvorschriften und dienen weiterhin einer schrittweisen Verwirklichung des Energiebinnenmarkts. Insbesondere sollen jüngste Veränderungen berücksichtigt werden, wie etwa der rasante Anstieg bei den erneuerbaren Energien und die technologischen Fortschritte bei der Digitalisierung der Dienstleistungen. Zudem sollen damit bisherige Rechtsvorschriften klarer gefasst werden, wie beispielsweise im Fall der Energiespeicherung durch Übertragungsnetzbetreiber ...

The aim of this study Energy Union: Key Decisions for the Realisation of a Fully Integrated Energy Market is to assess whether, and to what extent, the EU’s internal energy market objectives can effectively and efficiently be reached with the current policies and instruments. Link to the original publication:

The Court of Auditors' report found that although progress had been made, the objective of completing the internal energy market by 2014 had not been reached, and that more and better targeted infrastructure initiatives were needed. A generally broad agreement exists between ECA and the European Commission about what the priorities are to increase the effectiveness of the internal energy market, i.e. increase regional cooperation, improve cross-border capacity and review ACER's powers. The European ...

This study, provided by the Policy Department A at the request of the ITRE Committee gives an overview and analysis of the main EU policies, measures and instruments that contribute to the realisation of fully integrated and well-functioning electricity and gas markets in Europe. Detailed case studies explore capacity remuneration mechanisms, electricity market coupling, and cross-border gas trade between Hungary and its neighbours. Policy recommendations to improve the effectiveness of the integration ...

In July 2015, the European Commission proposed a reform of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) for the period 2021-30, following the guidance set by the October 2014 European Council. The proposed directive introduces a new limit on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the ETS sector to achieve the EU climate targets for 2030, new rules for addressing carbon leakage, and provisions for funding innovation and modernisation in the energy sector. It encourages Member States to compensate for indirect ...

Cost of Non-Europe Reports identify the possibilities for economic or other gains and/or the realisation of a ‘public good’ through common action at EU level in specific policy areas and sectors. This Cost of Non-Europe Report seeks to analyse the costs for citizens, businesses and relevant stake-holders of remaining gaps and barriers in the European Single Market, building on and updating the 1988 Cecchini Report, which quantified its potential benefits. This particular study - the second in a series ...

Is European dependency on energy imports just another part of the global division of labour creating mutual benefits for both importing and exporting countries or does this situation constitute a strategic threat to European independence and economic growth ?