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Das Europäische Parlament wird voraussichtlich auf seiner Februar-II-Plenartagung 2023 über die Einigung über den Vorschlag für eine Verordnung zur Einrichtung des Programms der Union für sichere Konnektivität für den Zeitraum 2023-2027 (auch „IRIS² – infrastructure for resilience, interconnectivity and security by satellite“, dt. Infrastruktur für Resilienz, Interkonnektivität und Sicherheit durch Satelliten) abstimmen. Die Satellitenkommunikation ist sowohl für Regierungen als auch für die Zivilgesellschaft ...

Satellite communication is a strategic asset for governments and civil society alike. Complementary to terrestrial networks, it can contribute to seamless digital communication, even when such networks are absent or disrupted. Today, the EU does not have a dedicated infrastructure (including space and ground segments) to offer satellite communication services to governments, the economy or civil society. Several EU global partners and competitors are investing in parallel in such capabilities. On ...

American Starlink project aims to bring high speed internet access across the globe by 2021. It’s certainly a mission in the sky! But how will Elon Musk’s plans to deploy this mega constellation of satellites impact on European citizens?

Autonomous space capabilities play a key role for in enhancing situational awareness, response to complex crises (natural disasters), management of natural resources (water, forests), delivery of services (health, energy, transport, communication, weather forecasting), and national security. With an increasing number of countries gaining access to outer space, the European Commission adopted a 'Space Strategy for Europe' in October 2016. This publication updates an 'at a glance' note from June 2016 ...

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's Impact Assessment (IA) accompanying the Commission proposal for a Directive on the dissemination of Earth observation satellite data for commercial purposes. Overall, the impression is that the IA has made a genuine attempt to present what it perceives to be the problems which need addressing and to define the objectives of the initiative and the progress indicators accordingly. The outcome ...

Im Rahmen dieses Dokuments soll eine erste Bewertung der Stärken und Schwächen der Folgenabschätzung vorgelegt werden, die dem Vorschlag für einen Beschluss des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates über die Einrichtung eines Programms zur Unterstützung der Beobachtung und Verfolgung von Objekten im Weltraum beigefügt ist. Es analysiert, ob die in den eigenen Leitlinien der Kommission zur Folgenabschätzung festgelegten wichtigsten Kriterien sowie die vom Parlament in seinem Handbuch zur Folgenabschätzung ...

The launch followed an unsuccessful attempt to propel the same sort of satellite into orbit in April. Many foreign governments consider the exercise a test of the country's ability to launch long-range missiles. The country has gradually increased the range of its missiles. The UN has called on North Korea to suspend its ballistic missile system. North Korea's technology is mostly borrowed and largely outdated. The satellite launched into orbit appears to outside observers not to be functional... ...

On 14 February 2008 the Policy Department in DG EXPO organised a Workshop on behalf of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE). The large participation and interest from within and outside the European Parliament confirmed the usefulness of the Workshop format and event. The Workshop provided an occasion to focus upon a report being developed by the SEDE Chairman Karl von Wogau on ESDP and Space Policy. The substance of the Workshop followed the central themes of the SEDE report and provided ...

This paper sets out to highlight the main actions and orientations concerning space and satellites. The intensive consultation coordination and cooperation between the EU and the satellite industry are advocated in order to identify and eliminate the existing obstacles to industrial competitiveness.