
Ihre Ergebnisse

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On 28 September 2022, the European Commission proposed a revision of the 2009 Directive on the protection of workers from the risk of exposure to asbestos. On 27 June 2023, after interinstitutional negotiations, the Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on the proposal. Parliament approved the agreed text on 3 October 2023; the Council followed on 23 October. The final act was signed on 22 November 2023. Member States have until 21 December 2025 to transpose the bulk ...

In September 2020, as part of the fight against cancer and to protect the health of workers in a number of industries, the European Commission proposed to amend the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive (Directive 2004/37/EC), expanding its scope and including and/or revising occupational exposure limit values for a number of cancer- or mutation-causing chemical agents. On 16 December 2021, after interinstitutional negotiations, the Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement ...

Schutz von Arbeitnehmern vor Asbest

Auf einen Blick 27-09-2023

Am 28. September 2022 hat die Europäische Kommission die Überarbeitung der Richtlinie von 2009 über den Schutz der Arbeitnehmer gegen Gefährdung durch Asbest am Arbeitsplatz vorgeschlagen. Trotz des völligen Verbots der Verwendung von Asbest in der EU sterben wegen der Exposition gegenüber dieser krebserzeugenden Faser, die in vielen Gebäuden noch immer verbaut ist, in Europa jedes Jahr mehr als 70 000 Menschen. Das Parlament wird im Oktober über die in den interinstitutionellen Verhandlungen getroffene ...

The IA provides a well-evidenced description of the problem and its scale and sufficiently substantiates the need to lower the current EU occupational exposure level for asbestos. However, the IA could have explained the evaluation findings in more detail and clarified the problem drivers further. The IA clearly explains the scientific opinion of the Committee for Risk Assessment (RAC), according to which there is no safe exposure level and therefore the RAC did not recommend any specific OEL. The ...

Asbestos is one of the main causes of work-related types of cancer in the EU. More specifically, asbestos-related risks are set to pose a major challenge in the context of the upcoming European Green Deal 'renovation wave', during which it is expected that millions of buildings will be renovated or demolished. In 2009, the EU adopted Directive 2009/148/EC, the Asbestos at Work Directive (AWD), in order to protect workers from and prevent their exposure to asbestos-related health risks, including ...

Im Rahmen des Kampfes gegen Krebserkrankungen und zum Schutz der Gesundheit von Arbeitnehmern in einer Reihe von Branchen wird die Richtlinie über Karzinogene und Mutagene zum vierten Mal aktualisiert. Mit einer im Trilog erzielten Einigung über den Vorschlag werden neue Expositionsgrenzwerte für eine Reihe gefährlicher Stoffe festgelegt. Das Europäische Parlament wird voraussichtlich auf seiner Plenartagung im Februar über die vorläufige Einigung abstimmen.

Die letzten Jahrzehnte haben eine beispiellose Entwicklung in der drahtlosen Kommunikations-technologien (Mobilfunk, Wi-Fi) erlebt. Es wird erwartet, dass die bevorstehende Einführung der 5G-Technologie in der gesamten EU neue Möglichkeiten für Bürger und Unternehmen durch schnelleres Surfen im Internet, Streaming und Herunterladen sowie durch eine bessere Konnektivität bietet. Allerdings kann 5G zusammen mit 3G und 4G, mit denen es mehrere Jahre parallel betrieben wird, auch eine Bedrohung für die ...

Protecting workers from asbestos

Eingehende Analyse 29-03-2021

Asbestos is responsible for more than half of the deaths from occupational cancer in the world. Since 2005 Asbestos is banned in Europe. The risks remain, because of the maintenance or demolition work on older buildings and their renovation (increasing energy efficiency) result in substantial exposure to asbestos and many people still work and live in asbestos contaminated buildings.

In September 2020, Belgium initiated a notification in the EU Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) concerning residues of an unauthorised substance called ethylene oxide (EO) in various lots of sesame seeds from India. This triggered a chain of enforced testing and controls, leading to withdrawals and recalls of significant amounts of products in many EU Member States, including products such as hummus, bread, and sauces containing sesame. Both conventional and organic products are concerned ...

The impact assessment (IA) defines clearly the problem and its underlying drivers. The IA considers a wide range of options, and those retained for further assessment appear to be reasonable and/or justified. However, the IA would have benefited from providing greater clarity on those components that were either included in (short-term exposure limit values) or excluded (biological limit values) from the preferred options. The analysis of impacts focuses on their economic and social dimension, mainly ...