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Kryptowerte fallen nicht unter die bestehenden Vorschriften und erfordern daher Rechtsvorschriften zur Bewältigung der verschiedenen Risiken, die mit ihnen verbunden sind. Im Rahmen des Legislativpakets von 2021 zur Stärkung der EU-Vorschriften zur Bekämpfung von Geldwäsche und Terrorismusfinanzierung schlug die Kommission vor, die Verordnung über die Übermittlung von Angaben bei Geldtransfers zu überarbeiten, damit sie auch Kryptowerte einschließt. Auf der Plenartagung im April soll das Parlament ...

Der freie Kapitalverkehr

Kurzdarstellungen zur EU 01-11-2017

Der freie Kapitalverkehr ist nicht nur die jüngste der durch den Vertrag garantierten Freiheiten, sondern auch – wegen seiner besonderen Implikationen für Drittstaaten – die weitreichendste. Die Liberalisierung des Kapitalverkehrs erfolgte in mehreren Schritten. Seit dem Vertrag von Maastricht wurden alle Beschränkungen des Kapital- und Zahlungsverkehrs sowohl zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten als auch zwischen Mitgliedstaaten und Drittländern beseitigt. Der Grundsatz entfaltet unmittelbare Wirkung, d ...

The European single market for payments is based on the idea of providing safer and more innovative payment services across the EU. To this end, the European institutions are working on establishing rules and tools to make payment services easier and to foster competition. The aim is to guarantee common standards in all Member States, efficient, faster and diversified types of payment, and consumer protection. The EU has already put several legislative tools in place, has established common criteria ...

Threatening both its caliphate project and its sources of funding, the series of military setbacks that the so-called Islamic State group (IS) as suffered for several months have called into question the group’s very existence. That is not to say that its offensive capabilities will be neutered – the organisation will remain able to employ ’low-cost‘ terrorist attacks to target civilians throughout the Middle East, Africa, Europe, America or Asia. In mobilising Member States to fight against terrorism ...

Since 1 January 2016 it is mandatory under the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD) to bail-in shareholders and creditors for a minimum amount of 8% of total liabilities before any funds from the Single Resolution Fund may be injected into a bank under resolution. A number of national competent authorities therefore triggered the resolution of weak banks before the deadline of 31 December 2015. However, since 2013 EU State aid rules have imposed (the "2013 Banking Communication") that subordinated ...

This study examines the implementation and effects of the inclusion of financial services in existing EU free trade and association agreements (FTAs) and, in particular, their impact on money laundering, tax evasion and avoidance. The opening analysis outlines the geopolitical and trade context, as well as the EU policy framework to combat money laundering, tax evasion and avoidance. It examines the effects of the ‘Panama Papers’ leaks; assesses the consequences of tax evasion and money laundering ...

Verhinderung der Radikalisierung in der EU

Auf einen Blick 18-11-2015

Der tragische Anschlag vom 13. November in Paris hat uns erneut auf grausame Weise gezeigt, dass unsere Sicherheit durch die Radikalisierung, die Anwerbung von EU-Bürgern durch terroristische Organisationen und die sogenannten ausländischen Kämpfer unmittelbar bedroht ist. Zwar liegt die nationale Sicherheit in der Zuständigkeit der Mitgliedstaaten, doch erfordert eine derart massive länderübergreifende Bedrohung koordinierte Gegenmaßnahmen auf EU-Ebene.

Corruption undermines development and reduces the effectiveness of development aid. Illicit financial flows are a consequence of flourishing corrupt practices, often amongst the rich in society. Such flows, estimated at USD1 trillion a year, drain the resources that should be invested in improving developing countries, thus hurting poor people disproportionately. The EU has invested much in curbing corruption in member-, candidate, accession- and to some extent neighbouring countries, but has so ...

The crisis that hit the western financial markets in 2008 has led to a severe global economic recession, which impacted and is still impacting migrants and migration policies worldwide. Despite the growing vulnerability of migrants, remittances have remained stable during and after the global economic downturn. Indeed, they continue to be a significant source of income for families and play a crucial role of co-insurance or risk mitigation in times of hardship. Moreover, remittances have proven to ...

Following developments in international anti-money laundering (AML) standards, the European Commission has proposed to revise two major EU instruments in order to strengthen the AML framework and, at the same time, make it more flexible.