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Around 17 500 cableway installations currently exist in western Europe and the Alps, representing 60% of the global total. European industry has generally held a dominant position in the global cableway installations market, with the ski industry remaining the primary market for cableway technology. The new regulation covering the European Economic Area is to replace Directive 2000/9/EC relating to cableway installations designed to carry persons. Its aim is to simplify the current rules, align them ...

2014 schlug die Kommission vor, drei Richtlinien zu überarbeiten, und zwar die Richtlinien über persönliche Schutzausrüstungen, über Gasverbrauchseinrichtungen und über Seilbahnen, um sie zu vereinfachen und zu aktualisieren, einige in der Vergangenheit aufgetretene Umsetzungsprobleme anzugehen und die Richtlinien an den neuen Rechtsrahmen anzupassen. Nach den Vorschlägen der Kommission sollten alle drei Richtlinien durch Verordnungen ersetzt werden und den Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum (der sich ...

Around 17 500 cableway installations currently exist in Western Europe and the Alps, representing 60% of the global total. European industry has generally held a dominant position in the global cableway installations market, with the ski industry remaining the primary market for cableway technology. The proposed regulation, covering the European Economic Area, is to replace Directive 2000/9/EC relating to cableway installations designed to carry persons. Its aim is to simplify the current rules, ...

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's Impact Assessment accompanying the proposal for a Regulation on cableway installations. Following the European Commission’s New Legislative Framework for simplifying EU legislation in the area of free movement of industrial products, the proposed Regulation on cableway installations aims to replace the existing Directive 2000/9/EC on cableway installations designed to carry persons (applicable ...