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Das Europäische Parlament führt die ehemalige Solvay-Bibliothek wieder ihrer eigentlichen Bestimmung zu, nämlich ein europäischer Kulturstandort zu sein. Mit ihrem Baustil und ihrer ursprünglichen Gestaltung prägte die von dem belgischen Industriellen Ernest Solvay gegründete Bibliothek des Instituts für Soziologie in Brüssel ihre Zeit. Die 1902 errichtete Bibliothek war als Labor für sozialwissenschaftliche Arbeit und Forschung gedacht, und sie wurde aufgrund ihres bahnbrechenden Systems für die ...

Especially in the last years, public libraries (and local authorities) have to meet new challenges caused by on-going social, technical and economic changes. This briefing paper provides a short analysis of the impact that public libraries can have on the intellectual and cultural development of citizens with a particular focus on their vital role in providing an open public space for learning, culture and social communication. Following from the analysis, respective recommendations for policy ...

Librarians and (public) libraries are active in promoting information literacy and (more recently) media literacy. After a brief historical sketch, this document describes how public libraries assist patrons and educational institutions in enhancing knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to critically engage with media and information. It sketches international organizations' endeavours to put media and information literacy (MIL) on the policy agenda, describes what is (not yet) known about the effectiveness ...

This briefing identifies key challenges and opportunities in the evolving field of e-lending via public libraries based on an analysis of 18 different e-lending models in Europe and North America. It concludes that on-going dialogue between libraries and publishers, alongside better comparative data on e-lending and e-book purchasing across all EU Member States, will be among the key enabling factors for e-lending in the future.

This is the compilation of the following three documents prepared for a workshop of the European Parliament's CULT Committee: - The New Role of Public Libraries in Local Communities ; - Promoting Media and Information Literacy in Libraries ; - E-Lending: Challenges and Opportunities.