
Ihre Ergebnisse

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On 17 November 2021, the European Commission tabled a legislative proposal aimed at curbing deforestation and forest degradation driven by the expansion of agricultural land used to produce specific commodities, namely cattle, cocoa, coffee, palm oil, soya and wood. Following up on a 2020 European Parliament resolution, which called for regulatory action to tackle EU-driven global deforestation, the proposal would impose due diligence obligations on operators placing these commodities and some derived ...

The EU's binding climate and energy legislation for 2030 requires Member States to adopt national energy and climate plans (NECPs) for the 2021-2030 period. In October 2020, the European Commission published an assessment for each NECP. Finland's final NECP is from December 2019. A high proportion of Finns (61 %) expect national governments to tackle climate change. Finland generates 1.5 % of the EU's total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and has reduced emissions at a faster pace than the EU average ...

Nach den verbindlichen klima- und energiepolitischen Vorschriften der EU für 2030 sind die Mitgliedstaaten zur Verabschiedung nationaler Energie- und Klimapläne (NEKP) für den Zeitraum von 2021 bis 2030 verpflichtet. Deutschland reichte seinen NEKP im Juni 2020 ein. Im Oktober 2020 veröffentlichte die Europäische Kommission für jeden NEKP eine entsprechende Bewertung. Ein großer Teil der deutschen Bevölkerung (63 %) erwartet von einer nationalen Regierung, dass sie den Klimawandel bekämpft. In Deutschland ...

As a party to the Paris Agreement, the European Union has committed to implementing climate mitigation policies to keep the average temperature rise to well below 2°C, while pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5°C. Meeting the more ambitious goal of 1.5°C requires bringing the level of global net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by around 2050, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Following this scientific consensus, the European Commission presented in 2019 the European ...

Bioenergy, which is generally produced from plants such as agricultural crops or trees, comes in various forms. Wood and other solid biomass are commonly used for heating and electricity generation. Liquid biofuels for transport and other purposes are mainly made from food and feed crops, but can also be produced from waste and residues. Bioenergy can also be delivered in the form of gas. Bioenergy is a renewable but finite energy source, and considered as climate-friendly because the carbon which ...

As a densely forested country, relying on a legacy of sustainable forest management and advanced forest-based industry, Finland is in a special position facing the current sustainability challenges: climate change, biodiversity loss and stagnating economy. This report, commissioned by Policy Department A at the request of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, presents the history of forest management and governance as well as recent developments in climate change, energy ...

Biomass is a renewable energy source which can be used to produce electricity, heat and transport fuels. It accounts for roughly two thirds of renewable energy in the European Union (EU). Although biomass can come from many different sources, wood is by far the most common. Under EU legislation, biomass is carbon neutral, based on the assumption that the carbon released when solid biomass is burned will be re-absorbed during tree growth. Current EU policies provide incentives to use biomass for power ...

Bislang fördert die EU Biokraftstoffe und sieht darin hauptsächlich eine Möglichkeit, die Treibhausgasemissionen im Straßenverkehr zu senken. Diese Politik wird jedoch von vielen Seiten kritisiert, auch vom Europäischen Parlament, weil Emissionen infolge indirekter Landnutzungsänderungen außer Acht gelassen werden. Die Kommission möchte diese Mängel beheben und hat daher im Oktober 2012 einen Legislativvorschlag vorgelegt. In den Verhandlungen mit dem Rat über eine Einigung in zweiter Lesung wurde ...

The use of biofuels in transport is being promoted as a means of tackling climate change, diversifying energy sources and securing energy supply. Biofuels production also provides new options for using agricultural crops. However, it also gives rise to environmental, social and economic concerns which are the subject of intense debate worldwide. This study provides a detailed overview of biofuels production and consumption and of related policies worldwide. It also contains comprehensive analysis ...

Forests and other wooded land cover over 40% of the land area in the European Union (EU). The forests in the EU belong to many different bioclimatic zones and have adapted to a variety of natural conditions. About 60% of the wooded land in the EU is privately owned. Expansion of the EU’s forest area currently exceeds the loss of forest land. This positive development sets the EU apart from the rest of the world, where deforestation continues to reduce forest area.