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This 'Implementation in Action' in-depth analysis provides input to the 'Implementation Report' of the European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) on Directive 2018/1808, the 2018 revised Audiovisual Media Services Directive, by taking stock of its transposition. It provides an overview of recent EU reports on the transposition and implementation of the Directive and focuses on specific articles in the Directive. The analysis covers transposition related to the protection of minors ...

The European Commission presented a legislative package for the modernisation of the EU copyright rules, including a new directive on copyright in the digital single market, on 14 September 2016. Stakeholders and academics were strongly divided on the proposal. In February 2019, after more than two years of protracted negotiations, the co-legislators agreed on a new set of copyright rules, including two controversial provisions: 1) the creation of a new right that will allow press publishers to claim ...

In December 2018, the co-legislators reached an agreement on a European Commission proposal for facilitating the cross-border provision of online TV and radio content. The co-legislators agreed to extend the 'country of origin' principle to a limited set of online services, and to facilitate the licensing of retransmission services over the internet under certain conditions. Furthermore, at the request of the European Parliament, the compromise text contains new rules on 'direct injection', a process ...

Audiovisuelle Politik und Medienpolitik

Kurzdarstellungen zur EU 01-11-2017

Die audiovisuelle Politik in der EU ist durch die Artikel 167 und 173 des Vertrags über die Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union (AEUV) geregelt. Die Richtlinie über audiovisuelle Mediendienste stellt die wichtigste EU-Rechtsvorschrift in diesem Bereich dar, die derzeit (2017) überarbeitet wird. Die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft – insbesondere die Filmindustrie – wird von der EU vor allem durch das Unterprogramm MEDIA des Programms „Kreatives Europa“ unterstützt. Gemäß der Charta der Grundrechte der ...

Die grundlegenden Probleme und Ziele der vorgeschlagenen Initiativen werden durch die FA klar definiert. Die FA greift auf verschiedene, neue und externe Studien, Gutachten und Evaluierungen zurück. Die Kommission hat zahlreiche Meinungen eingeholt und in der FA wurde offenbar ein weites Spektrum an Optionen mit ihren Auswirkungen auf alle relevanten Interessenträger analysiert. Allerdings stützt sich die sehr dichte FA auf eine begrenzte quantitative Datenmenge und dies wird von der Kommission offen ...

Creative Europe Programme

Briefing 14-09-2015

Creative Europe, which brings together under one roof three different culture and media-related programmes from the previous 2007-13 funding period, is designed to support the activities of the cultural and audiovisual sectors in participating countries, and generate synergies between the two sectors. Its €1.46 billion budget represents a 9% increase on the total spent in the various sub-programmes in 2007-13. Of this envelope, 31% is earmarked for culture, 56% for media and 13% for the cross-sectoral ...

We explore the definition of broadband and explain its interaction with European policy goals; analyse available data in order provide a detailed, objective and realistic picture of the broadband deployment, adoption, and usage situation in the EU from a number of different perspectives; and assess the drivers of broadband today, with particular emphasis on audiovisual and entertainment services. Measures to promote demand in general and the distribution of IPbased audiovisual content in particular ...