
Ihre Ergebnisse

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The paper on the EU's social dimension, the first of five papers within the white paper process, is the European Commission's contribution to a debate among the leaders of the 27 Member States (other than the UK), EU institutions, social partners and citizens on two major issues in the social and employment fields: the main challenges that Member States are facing and the added value of the various EU instruments available to tackle them. By the end of the process the EU should have a clear mandate ...

The Written Statement Directive

Briefing 04-04-2017

The Written Statement Directive obliges employers to provide employees with a written statement on the essential aspects of the work contract or employment relationship. Despite the fact that the directive was transposed into the legal systems of all Member States, the reports show several cases of its incorrect or inadequate implementation. Furthermore, new forms of employment have emerged since the directive's adoption in 1991, which it does not cover. Court of Justice jurisprudence clarifying ...

Das Arbeitsrecht der Union gilt zwar allgemein für die Arbeitnehmer aller Wirtschaftszweige, allerdings können die Mitgliedstaaten Seeleute auf der Grundlage mehrerer Richtlinien von bestimmten Vorschriften des Arbeitnehmerschutzes ausnehmen, was dazu geführt hat, dass Seeleute in verschiedenen Ländern ungleich behandelt werden, und was Auswirkungen auf den Wettbewerb in der Schifffahrt nach sich zieht. Die Kommission legte 2013 einen Vorschlag für eine Änderungsrichtlinie vor, um ein höheres Schutzniveau ...

Soziale Grundrechte in Europe

Studie 01-02-2000