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The United States is the key partner of the European Union in the area of justice and home affairs (JHA), including in the fight against terrorism. While formal cooperation on JHA issues between the US and the EU goes back to the 1995 New Transatlantic Agenda, it is since 2001 in particular that cooperation has intensified. Today, and for the period up until 2020, the key areas of transatlantic efforts in the JHA field are personal data protection, counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism ...

Dieses Themenpapier soll als erste Analyse der Stärken und Schwächen der Folgenabschätzung (FA) der Kommission in Bezug auf ihren Vorschlag für eine Verordnung des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates zur Einrichtung eines Registrierungsprogramms für Reisende (COM(2013)97) dienen, der am 28. Februar 2013 eingereicht wurde. Es analysiert, ob die in den eigenen Leitlinien der Kommission zur Folgenabschätzung festgelegten wichtigsten Kriterien sowie die vom Parlament in seinem Handbuch zur Folgenabschätzung ...

Data protection is one of the main issues of the development of the European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (AFSJ). Indeed, the introduction of measures that touch upon data protection is coupled with growing dilemmas on how to best ensure individuals’ fundamental rights. Is the current legislation on data protection adequate to the challenges posed by specific technologies and specific policies? Do the main actors have the adequate powers to shape legislation and enforce controls? Do the ...

The following report on the external dimension of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice pursues the double objective of describing the internal security and human rights/rule of law situation in the ENP countries and of providing an overview of how the EU has responded to the challenges it faces in the region. The section on the situation in the ENP countries includes short assessments of the concerns in the following areas: asylum and refugees, migration, trafficking in persons and human smuggling ...

The external dimension of migration policy: an old problem. The various forms of externalisation of the asylum and immigration policy.

Commission Communication (2005)597 has gone widely unnoticed which is probably due more to the complexity of matters treated than the unanimous applause obtained. Equally unusual is its objective as it does not propose concrete legislative action but offers various technical and organisational scenarios for Council and Parliament to pick from when designing the future of JHA databases SIS II, VIS, EURODAC and possibly adding a few new structures. The developments examined for maintaining a high level ...

Das Haager Programm des Europäischen Rats vom 5. November 2004 nennt die Ein-richtung eines gemeinsamen europäischen Asylsystems als ein Hauptziel der Europä-ischen Union. Neben der Einführung eines gemeinsamen Asylverfahrens sieht das gemeinsame europäische Asylsystem vor, Kooperationsstrukturen zwischen den Ausländerbehörden der Mitgliedstaaten aufzubauen, einheitliche Verfahren zur Beur-teilung von internationalen Schutzgesuchen zu entwickeln, gemeinsam relevante Da-ten zu sammeln und zu nutzen ...

The right of free movement of persons is one of the main objectives of the EC Treaty and plays a vital role for the achievement of a single market. What are the Schengen Agreements for the citizens of the Union and for the third country nationals? What is the current situation regarding the application of the right to move freely within the European Union for the nationals of the Member States? What are the rights of the third country nationals who want to enter, reside and work within the Union ...