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In July 2021, the European Commission presented its 'fit for 55' package of legislative proposals aimed at ensuring that the EU-27 will achieve the targets set in the European Green Deal, the Climate Law and the Paris Agreement. The package includes the FuelEU Maritime proposal, which aims to stimulate demand for clean fuels and help to cut carbon emissions within the maritime sector. Following a vote by the Committee on Transport and Tourism, the Parliament is expected to vote on its position on ...

Auf seiner ersten Plenartagung im Oktober wird das Europäische Parlament voraussichtlich über die vorläufige Einigung abstimmen, die im Rahmen der interinstitutionellen Verhandlungen über den Legislativvorschlag zur Änderung der Richtlinie über Funkanlagen von 2014 erzielt wurde. Vorgeschlagen wird die Einführung einheitlicher Ladegeräte und Ladeanschlüsse (Typ USB-C) für Mobiltelefone und andere kleine tragbare Geräte, die in der EU verkauft werden. Es wird erwartet, dass dies den Verbrauchern zugutekommen ...

Action for annulment of an EU act

Briefing 08-11-2019

An action for annulment is a legal procedure before the Court of Justice that guarantees the conformity of EU legislative acts, regulatory acts and individual acts with the superior rules of the EU legal order. An action can be brought within two months of the publication or notification of the contested measure. Applicants are divided into three categories: privileged, semi-privileged and non-privileged. Privileged applicants – the Member States, Parliament, Commission and Council – may bring an ...

The EU legal services market is the second largest in the world. Commercial, business to business (B2B) litigation is one of the largest segments of the legal services market. The EU measures on choice of law, choice of forum and enforcement proved to be successful in supporting EU competitiveness. However, to enhance competitiveness of the EU litigation market and ensure further growth, a set of EU measures to simplify and expedite settlement of commercial disputes is needed. The EU measures should ...

Mit dieser Studie, die von der Fachabteilung für Bürgerrechte und konstitutionelle Angelegenheiten des Europäischen Parlaments auf Ersuchen des Rechtsausschusses in Auftrag gegeben wurde, sollen der derzeitige Stand des kollektiven Rechtsschutzes auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene bewertet und die Möglichkeiten eines europäischen Eingreifens in dieser Angelegenheit ausgelotet werden, um dem Europäischen Parlament konkrete Empfehlungen geben zu können. Sowohl die Bewertung als auch die Empfehlungen ...

Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die Rolle und die Zuständigkeiten des Gerichtshofs der Europäischen Union (EuGH) zu untersuchen, die ihm durch die Gründungsverträge, die Satzung und die Geschäfts- und Verfahrensordnungen übertragen werden. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den Funktionen, die der Gerichtshof im Zusammenhang mit der Beilegung von Streitigkeiten zwischen den Organen, zwischen Mitgliedstaaten oder zwischen diesen und den Organen der Europäischen Union im Rahmen der Multi-Level-Governance ausübt ...

Every year, 1 million small businesses in the EU face problems with collecting cross-border debts, and as much as €600 million in cross-border claims are never satisfied. Domestic orders for payment, which exist in many Member States, are an effective tool for the collection of domestic debts, but often are not practical for cross-border use. Therefore, in order to supplement the existing national measures, the EU legislature has created a European Order for Payment procedure which is available for ...

The aim of this study is to provide an in-depth and objective comparative analysis of legal provisions, doctrine and case-law on locus standi before civil, criminal and administrative courts of selected legal systems, and before the EU courts. This analysis serves as the basis for several recommendations in this area.

Consumers regularly suffer harm in the form of higher prices, lower output, reduced quality and limited innovation as a result of antitrust infringements but they are rarely compensated due to legal and practical obstacles. Collective redress is a mechanism that may accomplish the termination or prevention of unlawful business practices which affect a multitude of claimants or the compensation for the harm caused by such illegal practices. This study analyses the systems of collective redress for ...

Victims of environmental crime

Briefing 24-02-2012

There is an international trend to accompany administrative and civil liability for environmental violations with criminal sanctions. This gradual criminalisation of environmental law highlights the need to take a closer look at those who suffer from environmental crime.