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World Obesity Day – marked every year on 4 March – is a World Obesity Federation initiative supporting practical solutions to help reverse obesity. A person is considered overweight by the World Health Organization if he or she has a body mass index (BMI) – calculated by dividing body weight by the square of height – equal to or greater than 25. Obesity is the condition of severe overweight where a person has a BMI equal to or greater than 30. Worryingly, obesity acts as a gateway to a range of diseases ...

Es kommt auf die Demografie an. Wirtschaft und Arbeitsmarkt, aber auch sozialer Schutz, Generationen-gerechtigkeit und Gesundheitsversorgung, Umwelt, Nahrungsmittel und Ernährung werden von der Demografie bestimmt. Die Bevölkerung der EU-Länder ist erheblich gewachsen – um ungefähr ein Viertel seit 1960 – und steht derzeit bei fast 450 Millionen. Doch nun beginnen die Zahlen zu stagnieren und werden ab der Jahrhundertmitte voraussichtlich zurückgehen. Da die Weltbevölkerung noch erheblicher zugenommen ...

Living in the EU: Education and Health

Auf einen Blick 30-04-2019

The European Union complements national health and education policies, in particular those with a cross-border dimension. The main responsibility for health and education, however, lies with the governments of its Member States. This combination explains the spread in government expenditure on national welfare policies among the Member States, and in particular in individual direct payments for health. In terms of the gender gap in the area, women with tertiary education still suffer employment gaps ...

Tackling childhood obesity

Briefing 10-03-2017

Childhood obesity remains a considerable public health problem in the European Union (EU). While multiple factors play a role, the global increase in overweight children is mainly linked to a shift in diet towards foods that are high in fat, salt and sugar, paired with a decline in physical activity. Essentially, children today are growing up in an environment that is conducive to weight gain and obesity. Excess weight in children is associated with a number of serious health consequences. These ...

This study reviews existing scientific evidence regarding the impact of organic food on human health from an EU perspective, with a focus on public health. The development of environmentally sustainable and healthy food systems is an international priority. The study examines how organic food and organic agriculture can contribute to this in relation to public health. Human and animal studies directly addressing the health effects of organic food are reviewed. Furthermore, evidence linking principles ...

Im Rahmen der Plenartagung im März 2016 werden eine Aussprache und eine Abstimmung über den Entwurf einer Verordnung zur Festlegung einer neuen Beihilferegelung für die Abgabe von Obst und Milch in Schulen durchgeführt. Sollte die Regelung angenommen werden, wird dies den Bemühungen, Schulkindern eine gesunde Ernährungsweise nahezulegen, neuen Schwung verleihen.

Eat for Health

Studie 08-12-2015

This paper summarises the presentations and discussions of the Workshop ‘Eat for Health’ held at the European Parliament in Brussels on 13 October 2015. The aim of the workshop was to discuss the eating habits and trends in Europe as well as the options for policy makers, industry, professionals and citizens to promote a healthier diet. The importance of a healthy diet was underlined with scientific findings that observed an association between nutrition and many diseases, particularly obesity and ...

In der Plenarsitzung vom 27. Mai 2015 werden die Mitglieder aufgefordert werden, über einen vom Ausschuss für Landwirtschaft und ländliche Entwicklung ausgearbeiteten Bericht über die Änderung des Legislativvorschlags der Kommission für ein neues einheitliches Schulprogramm für Obst und Milcherzeugnisse abzustimmen. Mit dem Vorschlag sollen zwei bislang getrennte Schulprogramme – eins für die Abgabe von Milch und das andere für die Abgabe von Obst und Gemüse – in einem gemeinsamen Rahmen zusammengefasst ...

Excessive body weight ('overweight') and excessive body fat ('obesity') affect more than one in two adults in the EU and the rates have been rising steadily. The causes are genetic, behavioural, cultural and socioeconomic and are mainly driven by an unbalanced diet and physical inactivity. Furthermore, these conditions are major risk factors for serious chronic illnesses, and account for roughly 7% of EU Member States' healthcare expenditure. EU prevention initiatives broadly target nutrition and ...

New rules for specialised food products

Auf einen Blick 06-06-2013

Foods for particular nutritional uses (PARNUTs) are currently regulated under the PARNUTs Directive, differently from other food products. Problems with the application of the Directive include overlaps with other food legislation, legal loopholes, and inconsistent national interpretation. To remedy these problems, the Commission has proposed to replace the PARNUTs Directive with a new Regulation applying to a much more limited group of foods.