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Unterschiedliche Standards für die Aufnahme von Asylbewerbern und bei der Behandlung von Personen mit internationalem Schutzstatus sollen zu Migration innerhalb der EU führen, wodurch besonders Mitgliedstaaten mit höheren Aufnahmestandards erheblich belastet würden. Die EU-Gesetzgebung versucht die Aufnahmestandards in der gesamten EU vergleichbar zu machen, um die Grundrechte der Asylbewerber und Flüchtlinge zu sichern und ein „Asyl-Shopping“ zu verhindern. Die Höhe der bereitgestellten Beihilfen ...

The EU faces long-term economic challenges. Its population is ageing, and its economy is increasingly dependent on jobs requiring high levels of skills. Therefore, during the last ten years, the EU has come to consider managed migration as an increasingly important way to provide European economies with the talent they need. Managing legal migration and integrating third-country nationals has significantly evolved in that time, following a sectoral approach. Several new legal instruments have been ...

Non-discrimination is a prerequisite in order to effectively guarantee the right of free movement of workers. Although EU legislation is in place, statistics indicate that migrant workers (EU nationals and non-EU nationals) are being discriminated against in the EU labour market. This note, produced at the request of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, discusses the legal framework protecting migrant workers against discrimination. It presents a summary of the impact of the economic crisis ...

Migration in the EU

Briefing 14-06-2013

This document focuses on migration within the EU, in the context of both EU citizens’ rights of free movement and residence, and of Member States’ diverse citizenship and labour migration laws. It looks into the topic with the intention of clarifying concepts and answering a number of questions: how many EU and non-EU citizens can be counted as migrants within the EU? How do migrants impact the national labour markets and what living conditions do they encounter in their new country of residence? ...