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Russia's war on Ukraine has caused the European Union (EU) to intensify its work for peace and security. The Peace and Security Outlook, produced by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), seeks to analyse and explain the European Union's contribution to the promotion and restoration of peace and security internationally, through its various external policies. This study provides an overview of the issues and current state of play. It looks first at the concept of peace and the changing ...

This is the fourth briefing within a series exploring citizens' expectations and recommendations in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe, and presenting the European Parliament's response. The briefing focuses on citizens' proposals relating to EU common values, especially the rule of law. Citizens have placed EU values, including democracy, the rule of law and the protection of human rights, at the core of a common European identity, and discussed ways to enhance and protect these ...

The European Commission’s proposal (June 2021) for a European Digital Identity Framework would provide a trusted and secure way to authenticate and share qualified data attributes online through a ‘digital wallet’ ensured by Member States and allowing transactions across the EU. If put into effect, it would aim to achieve the target set in Europe’s ‘Path to the Digital Decade’, which envisages 80 % of EU citizens using digital ID by 2030. It would also execute the European Council’s vision and explicit ...

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE and AFCO Committees, offers a comprehensive and critical assessment of the European Commission’s Annual Rule of Law Report. It does so in a broad and holistic manner by assessing this new monitoring tool in light of the EU’s Article 2 TEU monitoring and enforcement architecture. Multiple recommendations are offered in order to remedy the serious gaps and ...

Während in einigen Bereichen der Regulierung der politischen Finanzen eine erhebliche Konvergenz zu verzeichnen war (z. B. die Ausweitung der staatlichen Finanzierung für Parteien und andere politische Einheiten und die Einführung von Offenlegungspflichten), weisen andere große Unterschiede zwischen den EU-Mitgliedstaaten auf (z. B. Beschränkungen für private Spenden und Ausgaben, Offenlegungsschwellen, Art und Qualität der Aufsicht). In dieser Studie wird betont, dass internationale Normen umgesetzt ...

Der Anteil junger Menschen (im Alter von 15 bis 29 Jahren) an der Gesamtbevölkerung der EU geht zurück. Junge Menschen haben im Allgemeinen einen höheren Bildungsstand als ältere Erwachsene, und die Jugendarbeitslosigkeitsquoten beginnen zu sinken. Dennoch sind junge Menschen stärker von Armut und sozialer Ausgrenzung betroffen als andere Bevölkerungsgruppen. Im Vergleich zu früheren Generationen neigen sie weniger dazu, ihre Gesundheit zu gefährden. So gibt es beispielsweise im Vergleich zu früher ...

This compendium contains a set of 12 'Ideas Papers' prepared by policy analysts in the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) to stimulate discussion at the various sessions of the January 2019 Innovation Day, with a view to the European Parliament administration’s preparations for the coming 2019-2024 parliamentary term.

Digital technology is already having an impact on education even if in some parts of the EU schools are not covered by high-speed broadband or are under-resourced when it comes to hardware. While education systems are gradually adjusting to the way many people have digitalised their daily routines, technology has yet to unleash its full potential in the field.

Citizenship is a key element of democracy, and citizens’ participation is needed for democracy to function. As interests and challenges touching citizens do not follow state borders, it is important that citizens’ activity also crosses borders. The funding distributed through the Europe for Citizens programme is therefore crucial. Due to its combination of participation and remembrance, the programme allows addressing the complex challenges and promises related to democracy, citizenship and diversity ...

Alcide De Gasperi wurde Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts geboren und wuchs in einem Gebiet auf, das zu Österreich-Ungarn gehörte, aber hauptsächlich von Italienern bewohnt war. Von jungen Jahren an galt seine Leidenschaft der Politik und dem Journalismus. Als entschiedener Gegner des Faschismus wurde er vom Mussolini-Regime aus politischen Gründen heftig verfolgt. Nachdem er einige Zeit inhaftiert war, fand er schließlich Zuflucht im Vatikan, wo er 14 Jahre lang arbeitete. Als der Zweite Weltkrieg zu Ende ...