
Ihre Ergebnisse

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India has a 70-year history of democracy, tolerance and rule of law, and a successful record of managing its patchwork of cultures and religions. In recent months, however, following the second consecutive victory of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party in the May 2019 general elections, this situation has been changing under the impact of an ever-increasing Hindu nationalist grip on society and politics. After Jammu and Kashmir, India's only Muslim-majority state, lost its autonomy ...

Die Religion entwickelt sich zu einer neuen Dimension in der auswärtigen Politik der EU. Dieses Dokument vermittelt einen Überblick über die Grundsätze, den institutionellen Rahmen und die Politik, die dem Ansatz der EU bei religiösen Themen in Drittländern zugrunde liegen. Mittlerweile liegen neun Fallstudien vor, die veranschaulichen, welche wichtige Rolle die Religion in der Außenpolitik unterschiedlichster Länder weltweit spielt.

Every year the European institutions hold dialogue sessions with churches, and with non-confessional and philosophical organisations. Based on Article 17 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) the dialogue focuses on issues on the European agenda. This is an update of an 'at a glance' note published in June 2017.

After the downfall of former dictator Suharto in 1998, Indonesia underwent a successful democratic transition. Current President Jokowi heads a coalition government with an ambitious reform agenda tackling some of the country's long-term problems, but the lack of progress by his predecessors on this front suggests that he will find it difficult to achieve real change.

President Macky Sall decided to put constitutional changes to a referendum on 20 March 2016. The proposal includes a reduction of the presidential term length from seven to five years. Nevertheless President Sall, following the Constitutional Council's opinion, declared the reduction could not apply to his current mandate: he would thus stay in office until 2019, contrary to a promise he made when he was elected. While Sall's supporters hailed his sense of responsibility, opponents denounced this ...

The European institutions hold dialogue sessions every year with churches and non-confessional and philosophical organisations. Based on Article 17 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFUE) the dialogue focuses on issues upon the European agenda.

This study analyzes the relationship between freedom of religion and other fundamental rights in the European Union, the European Convention on Human Rights, as well as the constitutions of the Member States by examining the relevant case law in the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Court of Human Rights, and state constitutional or supreme courts. The study will highlight present sources of conflict, underline best practices and put forward recommendations to promote both religious ...