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The aim of this study is to present the possibilities offered by Directive 2014/24/EU on public procurement for the achievement of social goals and to analyse how these possibilities have been transposed into national law and implemented by contracting authorities across the EU. Another aim is to identify obstacles to the use of existing provisions and make recommendations with regards to possible future EU action.

The aim of this study is to present the possibilities offered by Directive 2014/24/EU on public procurement for the achievement of social goals and to analyse how these possibilities have been transposed into national law and implemented by contracting authorities across the EU. Another aim is to identify obstacles to the use of existing provisions and make recommendations with regards to possible future EU action.

Während der Juli-Plenartagung soll das Europäische Parlament den endgültigen Bericht seines Sonderausschusses zur COVID-19-Pandemie erörtern und über eine Reihe von Empfehlungen abstimmen, um die EU besser für künftige Gesundheitskrisen zu rüsten.

On 14 July 2021, the European Commission adopted the 'fit for 55' package of legislative proposals to meet the new EU objective of a minimum 55 % reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030. The package is part of the Commission's European Green Deal, which aims to set the EU firmly on the path towards net zero GHG emissions (climate neutrality) by 2050. The fit for 55 package includes a regulation establishing a new social climate fund (SCF). The aim of the SCF is to help vulnerable households ...

This study assesses the extent to which policy frameworks at EU and national level are equipped to tackle the socioeconomic impacts associated with climate action policies, identifies gaps and outlines recommendations for action that could be taken up by the European Parliament in future policy debates. This document was provided by the Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies at the request of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL).

In December 2019, Directive (EU) 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law (hereafter 'the directive') entered into force. Member States had 2 years to transpose the directive into their domestic legal systems. Prior to the entry into force of the directive, the legal framework was fragmented at national level and limited in scope to specific sectors at EU level (i.e. financial services and transport safety). Transposition did not prove easy, and the European Commission ...

Die vollständige Studie untersucht die Verfolgung der Wirksamkeit und Wirkung der Sozialausgaben aus dem EU-Haushalt. In den letzten zehn Jahren hat sich eine Verlagerung hin zur leistungsorientierten Haushaltsplanung vollzogen, wobei der Schwerpunkt stärker auf Outputs und Ergebnisse der Ausgabenprogramme gelegt wurde. Trotz dieser Änderungen ist es nach wie vor schwierig, festzustellen, ob politische Maßnahmen ihre Ziele erreichen und zur Verwirklichung der europäischen Säule sozialer Rechte beitragen ...

Decarbonisation brings both significant challenges and opportunities for coal regions. This At a glance note summarises the study analysing the implementation and impact of Cohesion Policy, including Just Transition Funds, in EU coal regions. Looking retrospectively at the 2014-2020 programming period and forward to the 2021-27 period, the study concludes that Cohesion Policy has made, and is likely to continue to make a real contribution to achieving smarter, greener and more socially connected ...

This study analyses how governments, public health experts and other professionals communicated during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the impact of these communication strategies. It investigates COVID-19 misinformation and disinformation practices, and how these practices were addressed in the European Union by the Member States and the European Commission. It draws up recommendations to improve responses in the future, including by analysing the role of the Code of Practice on disinformation ad the ...

This At a glance note summarises the study examining research on the impact of pervasive social media use on children's and young people’s development. Acknowledging the many benefits children gain from being connected through social media, this study focuses on problematic use and the potential harm that may arise from content, contact, conduct and contract risks. Solutions are considered in light of EU policy and regulatory developments with particular reference to ensuring that children are protected ...