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Child marriages: Still too many

Auf einen Blick 01-06-2018

Although the official age of adulthood varies across countries, several international conventions, in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which has been signed by 140 states, apply the definition of 'child marriage' to any couple where at least one member – usually the girl – is aged under 18. The practice of child marriage challenges both children's rights and gender equality, and exposes child brides to serious abuses and health risks. Child wives drop out of school and have ...

This study provides an overview of the practice of forced marriage in the EU from a gender equality and women’s rights perspective. It analyses the definitions of forced marriage and puts forward a definition from a gender perspective. It also provides an overview of the relevant international/EU legislation, policies and deliberations, as well as national policies, civil law and criminal law (in the 12 Member State that criminalise forced marriage). For those Member States that criminalise forced ...

Trotz des Vorgehens gegen die Kinderheirat, gegen die Frühehe und die Zwangsheirat auf internationaler, regionaler und nationaler Ebene sind diese Praktiken nach wie vor weltweit stark verbreitet. Sie stehen im Widerspruch zu den Menschenrechten von Mädchen und Frauen und behindern die Bekämpfung der Armut ebenso wie die Entwicklung. Auch innerhalb der EU stellt Zwangsheirat nach wie vor ein Problem dar.

Nigeria: Human rights situation

Auf einen Blick 06-05-2015

Nigeria is plagued by numerous and pervasive human rights problems. It is Africa’s largest democracy and its constitution guarantees human rights, but enforcement in practice is still largely deficient in many areas. Many human rights violations have occurred in the context of violent conflict, especially the Boko Haram insurgency in the north-east.

Although forced marriage is contrary to law in all EU Member States (MS), their legal approaches vary. Some have criminalised it specifically, whilst others rely on civil law rules.

This report aims at providing a comparative analysis of the ways in which forced marriages and honour killings are framed in the laws and practices taking place across the different Member States of the EU as well as in a selection of neighbouring countries. While statistical data on forced marriages and honour killings is often scarce, this report shows that these practices can be indeed found in a number of countries. At times of carrying the comparative analysis the legal context requires specific ...

This study provides an in-depth analysis of the root causes of the increase in female suicides in the Kurdish community in Turkey and Iraq. It analyses the factors dominating women’s lives in those Kurdish regions which as such may be contributory factors to the suicide rate. Such factors include their socio-economic situation, their particular geo-political situation, the impact of long-term conflict, and the social and institutional obstacles to gender equality and Kurdish women’s rights. It also ...

Diese Studie gibt einen Überblick über die wirtschaftliche Lage von Romafrauen in 15 Ländern (Mitgliedstaaten und Beitrittskandidaten), wobei für jedes Land die allgemeine Situation der Roma und die besondere Position der Romafrauen dargestellt sowie Programme und Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Situation von Romafrauen vorgestellt werden.