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In dieser vom Haushaltskontrollausschuss des Europäischen Parlaments (CONT) in Auftrag gegebenen Studie wird untersucht, ob die Unionsorgane bei der Beschaffung von Waren und Dienstleistungen die Sorgfaltspflicht in Bezug auf Menschenrechte und Nachhaltigkeit einhalten. Auf Grundlage einer Auswertung von Dokumenten und Interviews wird festgestellt, dass es bei der Beschaffung durch das Europäische Parlament, die Kommission und die EU-Agenturen an der nötigen Sorgfalt im Hinblick auf Nachhaltigkeit ...

The Commission put forward its proposal for a regulation establishing the European defence industry reinforcement through common procurement act (EDIRPA) on 19 July 2022. The key goals were to address the EU's most urgent and critical defence capability gaps and incentivise the EU Member States to procure defence products jointly. On 27 June, the co-legislators reached a political agreement on EDIRPA. Parliament adopted the EDIRPA Regulation on 12 September and the Council followed suit on 9 October ...

This briefing will give a brief overview of the EU-Russia sanctions framework, before discussing existing EU tools for protecting its financial interests, access to beneficial ownership data and EU initiatives to ensure sanctions enforcement. It serves as background information for the CONT Committee workshop of 6 November 2023 on ‘Preventing EU funds from reaching sanctioned individuals or entities’.

The aim of this study is to present the possibilities offered by Directive 2014/24/EU on public procurement for the achievement of social goals and to analyse how these possibilities have been transposed into national law and implemented by contracting authorities across the EU. Another aim is to identify obstacles to the use of existing provisions and make recommendations with regards to possible future EU action.

Während der Plenartagung im September 2023 soll das Parlament über die vorläufige Einigung über die EDIRPA-Verordnung abstimmen, die im Juni 2023 mit dem Rat erzielt wurde. Das Instrument EDIRPA ist ein mit 300 Mio. EUR ausgestatteter Fonds, mit dem Anreize für die gemeinsame Beschaffung dringender und kritischer Verteidigungsgüter geschaffen werden sollen, die im Zusammenhang mit der Reaktion auf den Krieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine benötigt werden.

The aim of this study is to present the possibilities offered by Directive 2014/24/EU on public procurement for the achievement of social goals and to analyse how these possibilities have been transposed into national law and implemented by contracting authorities across the EU. Another aim is to identify obstacles to the use of existing provisions and make recommendations with regards to possible future EU action.

Public financing of enterprises, which has been on the rise globally, can have a distortive effect on competitive markets. In response to this trend, in May 2021 the European Commission published a proposal for a regulation to tackle foreign subsidies with a distortive effect on the EU single market. It would enable the Commission to investigate subsidies granted by non-EU public authorities to companies operating on the single market, and to apply countervailing measures, should these subsidies ...

Corruption poses a significant threat in the European Union and can contribute towards an erosion of democracy and the rule of law, especially during times of crisis. The European Union can do more to tackle corruption and curb its negative impacts on society. This report presents a quantitative analysis of the potential gains from further EU action to tackle corruption, estimating that it could generate up to €58.5 billion per year. Other gains could also be expected in terms of reinforcing democracy ...

Government procurement forms an important part of national economies. The EU has opened up its public procurement markets to third countries to a large degree, while many other economies have had limited appetite to liberalise market access. In 2012, the European Commission tabled a proposal for an international procurement instrument (IPI). The IPI would give the EU leverage in negotiating the reciprocal opening of public procurement markets in third countries. The Commission revised the proposal ...

Die Finanzierung von Unternehmen durch Drittstaaten kann sich verzerrend auf den Binnenmarkt auswirken. Auf seiner ersten Plenartagung im November wird das Parlament über die in Trilogverhandlungen erzielte vorläufige Einigung über einen Vorschlag für eine Verordnung abstimmen, mit der gegen solche wettbewerbsverzerrenden drittstaatlichen Subventionen vorgegangen werden soll. Gemäß der Verordnung müssen Unternehmen Subventionen melden, die von staatlichen Stellen eines Drittstaats in Bereichen wie ...