Effort sharing: greenhouse gas emission reductions by Member States (2021-2030)

Briefing 14-12-2016

Overall, the IA (91 pages in all) seems to provide a sound justification for the amendment of existing rules backed by comprehensive research. The Commission admits that its analysis is based on a number of key assumptions upon which the different analytical models and scenarios are based. However, the range of options appears at times rather limited. This is the case, for example, with regard to the integration of LULUCF credits: although the baseline option is listed, it is clear that this option is not the desired one taking into account the guidance of the European Council. Likewise, the section entitled 'policy options for setting the starting point for target trajectories', in section 4 of the IA, appears odd, since it in fact only present one option, namely, using the 2016-2018 emission as the starting point. Finally, it would have been useful if the IA had provided a link to the supporting study.