
Τα αποτελέσματά σας

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The following recommendations present medium- and long-term policy solutions to address the needs identified in the Background Analysis “The Situation of Artists and Cultural Workers and the post-COVID Cultural Recovery in the European Union”. Its aim is to provide guidelines and principles to structure the contents of the European Framework, and hence improve the situation and working conditions of artists and cultural workers in the EU.

While responsibility for health and social security lies primarily with the governments of the individual European Union (EU) Member States, the EU complements national policies, especially those with a cross-border dimension. In a recent poll conducted for the European Parliament, more than two thirds of EU citizens expressed support for increased EU action on health and social security. EU health policy aims to foster good health, protect citizens from health threats and support dynamic health ...

Brexit and Migration

Μελέτη 16-10-2018

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, at the request of the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE Committee), focuses on the future relationship between the UK and the EU following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU in the field of migration (excluding asylum), including future movement of EU citizens and UK nationals between the EU and UK. Moreover, it investigates the role ...

This briefing discusses the Commission proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on establishing a European Labour Authority with a focus on social security coordination, posted workers and planned changes in the governance framework. It has been prepared by the Policy Department for Economic and Scientific Policies at the request of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee.Together with other briefings it contributes to a Committee workshop dedicated to the European ...

This note, prepared by Policy Department A for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, summarises the background on the phenomenon of platform work, and introduces the focus and the key findings of the recent study "The Social Protection of Workers in the Platform Economy". It then lists the key recommendations of the study to give the interested audience a quick overview on the main findings of the study.

The leaflet provides a quick overview on the changes proposed by the Commission, as compared to current rules, as well as their assessment. It is based on main points of the presentation of the study on "Coordination of social security system in Europe" to the EMPL Committee on 4 December 2017.This leaflet has been prepared by the European Parliament's Policy Department A on Economic and Scientific Policy (covering the ECON-ENVI-EMPL-IMCO-ITRE Committees.

This study, prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, provides a picture on current developments in the area of social security coordination in the EU. It assesses the functioning of coordination rules in areas targeted by the amendment proposal from the European Commission, and evaluates the proposal’s possible effects. The study highlights how some of the proposed changes could potentially impact fundamental principles of social security ...

This at a glance, prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, provides a picture on current developments in the area of social security coordination in the EU. It assesses the functioning of coordination rules in areas targeted by the amendment proposal from the European Commission, and evaluates the proposal’s possible effects. The study highlights how some of the proposed changes could potentially impact fundamental principles of social security ...

Generally, the IA seems to provide a robust basis on which to change the current EU framework of social security coordination. A number of comprehensive external studies substantiates the IA. It appears that the European Commission was open about data limitations and key assumptions. Various stakeholder consultations were conducted, including two public online consultations. The Commission proved flexible and responsive in that it developed two options in direct response to feedback from the Administrative ...

Κοινωνική ασφάλιση σε άλλα κράτη μέλη της ΕΕ

Θεματολογικά δελτία της ΕΕ 01-06-2017

Ο συντονισμός των συστημάτων κοινωνικής ασφάλισης είναι αναγκαίος για την υποστήριξη της ελεύθερης κυκλοφορίας των προσώπων εντός της επικράτειας της ΕΕ. Μια θεμελιώδης μεταρρύθμιση, που εκσυγχρονίζει ολόκληρο το νομοθετικό σύστημα και αντικαθιστά τη νομοθεσία της δεκαετίας του 1970, έχει τεθεί σε ισχύ από τον Μάιο του 2010 και περαιτέρω νομοθετικές πράξεις έχουν βελτιώσει την κατάσταση σε σχέση με την προστασία των δικαιωμάτων των εργαζομένων όταν κάνουν χρήση των δικαιωμάτων τους όσον αφορά την ...