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Following revelations that several EU governments used the Pegasus spyware software against journalists, politicians, officials and other public figures, the European Parliament set up a Committee of Inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware (PEGA). Parliament is set to hold a debate on PEGA's findings and vote on a recommendation to the Council and Commission during the June 2023 session.

The EU recognises that cybersecurity and cyber-defence are critical for its prosperity, security and global ambitions. Offensive cyber-attacks by malicious actors show no sign of slowing down (not even during the coronavirus pandemic) and thus require concrete dissuasive measures. In July 2020, the EU Member States decided for the first time to use the 'teeth' rooted in the EU cyber-diplomacy framework and to 'bite cyber perpetrators back' by placing sanctions on them. This precedent has helped reinforce ...

This document identifies the risks of data breaches for users of publicly available Internet services such as email, social networks and cloud computing, and the possible impacts for them and the European Information Society. It presents the latest technology advances allowing the analysis of user data and their meta-data on a mass scale for surveillance reasons. It identifies technological and organisational measures and the key stakeholders for reducing the risks identified. Finally the study proposes ...

In recent years, cyber attacks on a serious scale have become a matter of concern to states, due to the threat they can pose to national security, but also a potential foreign policy and military tool to be added to existing options in their arsenals.

Over the past few decades, the digital revolution has brought global connectivity to an entirely new level. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are crucial for virtually all modern services, both civilian and military. Convenient as it is, such growing reliance on ICT entails and increasing risk of cyber attacks. These attacks may target individuals, businesses, entire networks or even the critical infrastructure of one or more EU Member States.