The Juncker Commission's ten priorities: State of play in early 2018

Análisis en profundidad 26-01-2018

This publication provides an up-to-date overview and analysis of the state of play in the delivery by the European Commission of the various legislative and other political initiatives flowing from the ten priorities asserted by its President, Jean-Claude Juncker, at the time of his election by the European Parliament in July 2014. This in-depth analysis draws on a wide range of EPRS publications, and it updates a previous edition, The Europe Commission at mid-term – State of play of President Juncker's ten priorities, published in July 2017. It has been compiled and edited by Isabelle Gaudeul-Ehrhart, with contributions and support from across the Members' Research Service and the Directorate for Impact Assessment and European Added Value of EPRS, in particular from the following policy analysts: Piotr Bakowski, Angelos Delivorias, Gregor Erbach, Roderick Harte, Elena Lazarou, Tambiama Madiega, Nora Milotay, Shara Monteleone, Anita Orav, Christian Scheinert, Andrej Stuchlik, Marcin Szczepanski, Laura Tilindyte and Sofija Voronova. The graphics have been prepared by Giulio Sabbati, and are derived from the on line 'Legislative Train Schedule' application, launched by Parliament to track progress on the Commission's legislative proposals.