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The 'farm to fork' strategy is about building sustainable EU food systems, in line with the EU's Green Deal. Launched in May 2020, its elements are moving at different speeds, with much debate on its objectives and priorities. The EU institutions are helping to shape the various elements of the strategy. This is an update of an 'at a glance' note first published in October 2021.

Understanding EU farm payments

De un vistazo 09-02-2023

One of the earliest policies to have contributed to building the European Union (EU), the common agricultural policy devotes most of its budget to supporting farmers. Direct payments are the main type of support used; they are managed jointly by the European Commission and EU countries through a number of schemes.

En junio de 2021, la Comisión Europea dio a conocer su visión sobre cómo impulsar el desarrollo de las zonas rurales de la UE de aquí a 2040. El Parlamento Europeo decidió elaborar un informe de propia iniciativa sobre esta cuestión. El informe de la Comisión de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural (AGRI) del Parlamento se someterá a votación en el Pleno en diciembre.

Con el fin de finalizar la revisión del marco de las estadísticas agrícolas de la UE, la Comisión Europea ha propuesto nuevas normas sobre la recogida de datos sobre los insumos y la producción de la agricultura y las actividades conexas, incluido el uso de productos agroquímicos en las explotaciones. El Parlamento Europeo votará en el Pleno el acuerdo en primera lectura durante el mes de octubre.

Most of the world's farmers are engaged in small scale agriculture. The majority of them are in developing countries but there are many in developed countries as well. Small farms make up the vast majority of the EU's 10 million farms. What constitutes a small farm depends on the context. However, improving the conditions of small-scale food producers is a global objective. Recent studies have lowered past estimates of how much of the global food supply is produced by small farms. Notwithstanding ...

CAP strategic plans: Approval process

De un vistazo 15-06-2022

The delivery model for the post 2022 common agricultural policy (CAP) involves basic EU level policy rules and greater responsibility for Member States as to how they tailor their CAP measure toolboxes to local needs. The national CAP strategic plans drawn up to this end by Member States are now at the approval stage.

Este año viene marcado tanto por el 60.º aniversario de la política agrícola común (PAC) de la UE como por un punto de inflexión crucial en su modo de funcionamiento, con un nuevo modelo de prestación que comenzará a aplicarse a partir de 2023. En la cronología que figura a continuación se destacan los principales avances en materia legislativa y de formulación de políticas que han conformado la PAC a lo largo de las seis últimas décadas.

A lo largo de los años, la UE ha creado un sistema estadístico que permite una elaboración de políticas más fundamentada y una aplicación más eficaz de las políticas. Como parte de un amplio proceso de modernización de las estadísticas agrícolas, la revisión propuesta del Reglamento sobre las cuentas económicas de la agricultura formalizaría la comunicación de datos agrícolas regionales. El Parlamento tiene previsto someter a votación el informe en primera lectura durante su periodo parcial de sesiones ...

CAP strategic plans

Briefing 21-12-2021

The Commission's legislative proposals on the future of the common agricultural policy (CAP) were published on 1 June 2018. They comprise three proposals: a regulation setting out rules on support for CAP strategic plans; a regulation on the single common market organisation (CMO) and a horizontal regulation on financing, managing and monitoring the CAP. The proposal for a regulation on CAP strategic plans introduces a new delivery model, described by the Commission as a fundamental shift in the ...

As part of the preparation of the EU budget for 2021-2027, the European Commission put forward a new set of regulations to shape the future EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on 1 June 2018. The proposal for a regulation on the financing, management and monitoring of the CAP provides the legislative framework for adapting the financing, management and monitoring rules to a new CAP delivery model. This seeks to achieve more subsidiarity and simplification, with greater responsibility given to Member ...