

Mostrando 10 de 43 resultados

According to recent statistics published by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, over 376 million people around the world have been forcibly displaced by floods, windstorms, earthquakes or droughts since 2008, with a record 32.6 million in 2022 alone. Since 2020, there has been an annual increase in the total number of displaced people due to disaster compared with the previous decade of 41 % on average. The upward trend is alarmingly clear. With climate change as the driving catalyst, the ...

Fair representation of women in political life has a positive impact on gender mainstreaming in various policies. The United Nations has set a dedicated target within the sustainable development goals dealing specifically with women's access to leadership. The available data on the presence of women in parliaments and in governments show a positive trend, but much still remains to be done to ensure an equal presence of both genders in decision-making. The European Union supports gender equality in ...

Refugee movements and migration are at the centre of global attention. In recent years, Europe has had to respond to the most severe migratory challenge since the end of the Second World War. The unprecedented arrival of refugees and irregular migrants in the EU, which peaked in 2015, exposed a series of deficiencies and gaps in EU policies on asylum, external borders and migration. In response to these challenges, the EU has embarked on a broader process of reform aimed at rebuilding its asylum ...

United Nations reform

Briefing 13-02-2019

At the 72nd United Nations (UN) General Assembly on 18 September 2017, 120 countries expressed their commitment to the reforms proposed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres. Since 1946, the UN has undergone a number of reforms either in whole or in part. The term 'reform' has proved troublesome for UN member states on account of its lack of clarity and the lack of consensus as to execution. This is particularly apparent in the scepticism expressed by the United States (US) in 2018 regarding the ...

The global flow of refugees and migrants poses challenges, opportunities and obligations for countries around the world. At the very heart of the debate on migration management is how to ensure that the different interests and needs are addressed within a strong human rights framework. The United Nations (UN) is investigating the issue in great depth, and one of the main outcomes of the UN General Assembly in 2016 was a declaration demanding greater international cooperation on managing migration ...

Cada año, el Parlamento Europeo debate sobre los derechos humanos y la democracia en el todo mundo, así como sobre la política de la UE al respecto. En 2017, los derechos humanos fueron el eje de la acción exterior de la UE. No obstante, 2017 también ha estado marcado por una hostilidad constante, en todo el mundo, contra la sociedad civil, y en particular contra los periodistas, así como por un aumento de la desinformación y del populismo. En el informe de la Comisión de Asuntos Exteriores del Parlamento ...

This year we celebrate 70 years since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Declaration, adopted on 10 December 1948 in Paris by the United Nations General Assembly, expressed an idea that was revolutionary at the time: human rights are universal, indivisible and inter-dependant, and the international community has an obligation to ensure protection of those rights. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic ...

Está previsto que durante el periodo parcial de sesiones de mayo II se vote la propuesta de Resolución sobre la aplicación del Plan de Acción en materia de género, el cual se basa en cuatro pilares temáticos, a saber, la garantía de la integridad física y psicológica de las mujeres y las niñas; la promoción de los derechos económicos y sociales, y del empoderamiento de las mujeres y las niñas; el fortalecimiento de la voz y el refuerzo de la participación de las mujeres y las niñas; y un cambio de ...

Funding instruments in the field of migration and asylum management cover, on the one hand, different EU policy fields, such as enlargement, neighbourhood, development cooperation and common foreign and security policy, as well as, on the other, international projects such as those managed by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) at a more global level. The legal basis of each funding instrument provides for the range of its geographical ...

Tras la decisión del Reino Unido de abandonar la Unión como consecuencia del referéndum celebrado en junio de 2016, la Unión inició una profunda reflexión sobre el futuro de Europa, que sigue teniendo lugar en diversos foros e instituciones. El debate ha cobrado un nuevo impulso: la agilización de las negociaciones con el Reino Unido sobre su salida de la Unión, los resultados electorales en algunos Estados miembros y las próximas elecciones europeas que se celebrarán en mayo de 2019 han repercutido ...