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Entre 2020 y 2022, la iniciativa ciudadana europea (ICE) «Stop Finning – Stop the trade» (Prohibición del cercenamiento de las aletas de los tiburones — Prohibición del comercio) recogió más de 1 100 000 firmas. La ICE pide que se prohíba el comercio de aletas de tiburón y raya dentro de la UE y desde ella. El Parlamento Europeo, tras una audiencia celebrada sobre esta cuestión en marzo de 2023, la debatirá en su período parcial de sesiones de mayo I.

Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is widely recognised as a significant environmental, economic and social problem. It represents a major threat to marine ecosystems, a disruption for the seafood market, and an unfair disadvantage for responsible fishermen. Combatting IUU fishing has become a key means for achieving sustainable management of global fisheries. While the root cause of IUU fishing is states' failure to discipline vessels operating under their flag, tackling this phenomenon ...

The IUU Regulation (1005/2008) is the core of the EU’s legal framework for action against global IUU fishing. Its primary objective is to prevent, deter and eliminate the trade of IUU-caught products into the EU. One of its key components is a multiple-step procedure for dealing with non-EU countries considered uncooperative in the fight against IUU fishing. Sixth edition. This infographic further updates an earlier one, the previous edition of which was in March 2021. For more information on IUU ...

From 2021 to 2025, the EU is gradually transferring part of its fishing quota shares to the UK, in line with the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA). In total, 55 shared stocks are concerned, and 60 % of the overall Brexit quota transfer occurred in 2021. This infographic illustrates the EU quota transfer that year for some of the most affected fish stocks. The quota transfer in 2021 for the selected stocks totals 62 211 tonnes, with an estimated overall value of €103 million.

The Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) is an intergovernmental fisheries management organisation responsible for tuna and tuna-like fish stocks in the Indian Ocean. As a contracting party, the European Union must transpose its decisions into EU law, insofar as they are not already covered by it. In March 2021, the European Commission presented a proposal for a new regulation dedicated to the transposition of IOTC rules.

Durante el período parcial de sesiones de julio, el Parlamento tiene previsto someter a votación en segunda lectura el texto acordado con el Consejo sobre el Fondo Europeo Marítimo, de Pesca y de Acuicultura (FEMPA) 2021-2027. Con un presupuesto de unos 6 000 millones de euros, es el principal instrumento financiero de apoyo a la política pesquera común. En comparación con la propuesta de la Comisión, los colegisladores han ampliado las ayudas a la flota para incluir los buques de 12 a 24 metros ...

Durante el período parcial de sesiones de junio II, está previsto que el Parlamento vote un acuerdo provisional con el Consejo sobre la transposición de las medidas de gestión de la pesca en el Atlántico Noroeste. Como parte contratante de la Organización de Pesquerías del Atlántico Noroeste (NAFO), la Unión debe transponer sus medidas para que se apliquen a los buques con pabellón de los Estados miembros de la UE. En el acuerdo se prevé asimismo la concesión de nuevas competencias delegadas a la ...

Multiannual fisheries management plans are essential tools for the sustainable exploitation of marine resources, offering better predictability over time and a framework for improved cooperation between Member States at sea basin level. As part of a series of such plans adopted since the last reform of the common fisheries policy, the European Commission put forward, in February 2017, a proposal for a multiannual plan intended to manage fisheries of small pelagic fish stocks (anchovy and sardine) ...

Está previsto que en el período parcial de sesiones de noviembre I el Parlamento vote sobre la aprobación de un acuerdo provisional con el Consejo que permita prever apoyo financiero para la paralización definitiva de las actividades pesqueras en el marco del Fondo Europeo Marítimo y de Pesca para determinadas pesquerías del mar Báltico. El texto acordado amplía el ámbito de aplicación de la propuesta de la Comisión para incluir no solo a los pescadores afectados por la veda del bacalao del Báltico ...

The eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna was long a symbol of overfishing and fisheries mismanagement. Over the past decade, the stock has recovered, following the rebuilding measures introduced by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). The European Union is now transposing the ICCAT recommendation to move from the recovery measures to a bluefin tuna management plan.