

Mostrando 10 de 13 resultados

The aim of this study is to present the possibilities offered by Directive 2014/24/EU on public procurement for the achievement of social goals and to analyse how these possibilities have been transposed into national law and implemented by contracting authorities across the EU. Another aim is to identify obstacles to the use of existing provisions and make recommendations with regards to possible future EU action.

Wage policy in the EU is a patchwork of different national traditions and legal frameworks. As a result, minimum wage levels diverge considerably, and leave many workers unprotected. While setting minimum wages is the competence of EU Member States, the EU has a supporting and complementary role. In October 2020, the European Commission proposed a directive seeking to improve the adequacy and increase the coverage of minimum wages, while also strengthening collective bargaining as the main instrument ...

Directiva sobre salarios mínimos

De un vistazo 07-09-2022

El salario mínimo puede protegerse por medio de convenios colectivos, salarios mínimos legales establecidos por ley, o una combinación de ambos elementos. La Comisión Europea ha propuesto una Directiva dirigida a promover la adecuación de los salarios mínimos legales para contribuir a lograr unas condiciones de vida y de trabajo dignas para los trabajadores europeos. Por primera vez, la Comisión emprende acciones legislativas en materia de protección del salario mínimo, aunque dejará que los Estados ...

Adequate minimum wages

Briefing 19-01-2021

This briefing finds that the European Commission's impact assessment (IA), which accompanies the directive proposal on adequate minimum wages, is based on sound data and presents a sufficiently broad range of policy options. It would have been useful if the measures concerning collective bargaining and adequacy of minimum wages had been explained more thoroughly in relation to the chosen legal basis. The problem description would have benefited of using more information from the extensive annexes ...

The Proposed Minimum Wage Directive

De un vistazo 24-11-2020

Following a two-stage consultation of social partners launched in February 2020, on 28 October, the European Commission published its proposal for a directive on adequate minimum wages in the European Union.

An employer's obligation to inform employees of the conditions applicable to their contracts is regulated by Directive 91/533/EEC. Major shifts in the labour market due to demographic trends and digitalisation, spawning a growing number of non-standard employment relationships, have made it necessary to revise this directive. The European Commission therefore came forward with a proposal for a directive aimed at updating and extending the information on employment-related obligations and working ...

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's impact assessment (IA) accompanying the above-mentioned proposal, submitted on 21 December 2017 and referred to the European Parliament's Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. The proposal updates and replaces Directive 91/533/EEC (the Written Statement Directive, hereafter WSD), which gives employees the right to be notified in writing of the essential aspects of their contract or employment ...

El diálogo social

Fichas temáticas sobre la EU 01-06-2017

El diálogo social es un elemento fundamental del modelo social europeo, plenamente reconocido en el Tratado a partir de la reforma de Ámsterdam. De esta forma, los interlocutores sociales (representantes de las empresas y de los trabajadores) pueden contribuir activamente a la elaboración de la política social europea.

This report discusses the legal framework applicable to copyright contracts as well as the practices in artistic sectors. A careful revision of the copyright provisions, contractual law principles and case law in 8 Member States is presented together with a more specific analysis of a set of issues particularly relevant nowadays, such as collective bargaining, digital exploitation, imbalanced contracts, and reversion rights, among others. A set of recommendations aiming at improving the level of ...