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Over the past few decades, South-South and triangular cooperation (TrC) among developing countries has been acquiring increasing importance as a necessary complement to traditional North-South development cooperation. The United Nations (UN) High Level Conference on Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries held in Argentina in 1978 set the basic framework for this form of cooperation with its Buenos Aires Plan of Action (BAPA). The model was recently modified by the UN 2030 Agenda for Development ...

India's multilateral relations

Briefing 17-07-2015

India, once a leader of the Non-aligned Movement, is now moving away from its non-alignment position. New Delhi now maintains relationships in different configurations with a variety of countries for different purposes (such as within the BRICS). India also increasingly engages in regional groupings. The South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is supposed to be the main tool for integration in the region, but bilateral tensions with Pakistan have jeopardised its development. New Delhi ...

'Build a strong, self-reliant and self-confident India': that was the 2014 electoral promise of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He has not wasted time, and has immediately started to work on relations with New Delhi's immediate neighbours and with the south-eastern partners through the new 'Act East' policy. Major powers have showed a renewed interest in India. But while relations with Washington and other Western countries are promising, this has not come at the detriment of New Delhi's ...

The question of the form of post-2020 relations between the EU and ACP countries will soon acquire political visibility. The ACP group of states has established an Eminent Persons Group (EPG) to examine the options for the future of the ACP group and the post-Cotonou situation. The forthcoming EPG report aims to advance realistic, doable and reachable recommendations that will require political support from the highest level. The EU development Commissioner has noted the possibility of agreeing overarching ...

The role of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) as emerging protagonists in international development cooperation is significantly and rapidly changing. Over the last decade, BRICS have increased their financial as well as technical assistance and established distinct ways and means of economic cooperation, especially through southsouth- cooperation with Low Income Countries (LIC). BRICS are striving for more political influence, thereby challenging traditional western donors such ...

El presente Estudio contiene un análisis de los principios claves de la política de cooperación para el desarrollo de la Unión Europea con América Latina. De particular importancia son los siguientes temas: i) La relevancia de la cooperación con países de renta media y especialmente con los de América Latina y el Caribe. ii) Los objetivos que debe perseguir la cooperación al desarrollo de la UE con América Latina y el Caribe. iii) El alineamiento del proceso de la integración regional con la amplia ...

El presente documento examina la cooperación al desarrollo de la UE hacia América latina atendiendo, en primer lugar, a los cambios relevantes para la región en la agenda internacional del desarrollo: el debate sobre la pertinencia y modalidades de cooperación con los países de renta media, la aplicación de la Declaración de París sobre eficacia de la ayuda, y el desarrollo de la cooperación “sur-sur” en América latina, en el contexto de la redefinición del regionalismo y la integración en esta región ...

A survey of the most important regional organisations in Africa, their objectives, structure and activities.