

Mostrando 8 de 8 resultados

On 15 December 2021, the Commission presented a proposal to regulate methane emissions reductions in the energy sector. The proposal is part of the second batch of proposals in the 'fit for 55' package, seeking to align EU climate and energy laws with the EU Climate Law's 2030 target. The proposal addresses gaps in the current legislation: those relating to methane emissions from upstream exploration and the production of oil and fossil gas, but also those from the gathering and processing of fossil ...

El 5 de abril de 2022, la Comisión Europea presentó una propuesta de Reglamento sobre los gases fluorados de efecto invernadero (gases fluorados) por el que se derogará el actual Reglamento sobre los gases fluorados. La propuesta tiene como objetivo reducir aún más las emisiones de gases fluorados. Cambiaría el actual sistema de cuotas, reduciendo gradualmente el suministro de hidrofluorocarburos (HFC) al mercado de la Unión al 2,4 % de los niveles de 2015 de aquí a 2048. También prohibiría los gases ...

La Comisión Europea ha propuesto un reglamento relativo a la reducción de las emisiones de metano en el sector energético. La finalidad de esta propuesta es abordar las emisiones de los sectores del petróleo, el gas y el carbón mediante requisitos de medición, notificación y verificación, y el establecimiento de normas más estrictas sobre detección y reparación de fugas, así como a través de la limitación del venteo y la combustión en antorcha. La Comisión de Medio Ambiente, Salud Pública y Seguridad ...

The IA clearly identifies the problem that needs to be addressed and details the problem drivers. Furthermore, the IA discusses the evolution of the problem if the EU were to take no action. The IA relates the objectives with the problem/problem drivers in a supported manner. The options for the different policy areas to tackle appear to be sufficient and justified against the objectives. The assessment of the options retained for their economic, environmental and social impacts is thorough, but ...

EU Arctic policy has evolved significantly in recent years, culminating in the April 2016 Joint Communication from the European Commission and the HRVP for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. The Communication focuses on the environment and climate change, sustainable development, and peaceful international cooperation, with overarching support for scientific research. This coincides with most of the priorities of the EU’s Arctic Member States, Denmark, Finland and Sweden. The Communication does ...

The EU in Central Asia: The Regional Context

Análisis en profundidad 29-01-2016

Central Asia, located at the centre of the Eurasian continent and straddling the borders of some of the world’s most pressing hot spots, offers economic opportunities and natural resources but also remains insecure and troublesome. For the European Union, the region is not a priority. It is too distant and Brussels experiences difficulties in executing its democratic and value-based agenda on the ground. Regional dynamics have been significantly influenced by many players present in the region; ...

After drawing up an inventory of the energy and water resources of the South and East Mediterranean Countries (SEMCs) and presenting their political, economic and social challenges, this report takes stock of the European neighbourhood policies conducted following the Arab revolutions in these countries and offers a forward-looking vision in this area for the years to come. Despite some success the initiatives led by the European Union in respect of its neighbourhood policy with the SEMCs in the ...

Turkmenistan: Selected Trade and Economic Issues

Análisis en profundidad 17-05-2013

Like a number of former Soviet Union republics in Central Asia, Turkmenistan has recently recorded quite high economic growth rates — often in the double digits — mainly thanks to the increasing global demand for energy and other raw materials, which are abundant in the country. Despite recent progress, the country's economic growth is still hampered by inefficient economic and public structures, still largely inspired by Soviet models and lacking modern infrastructure. The geographical location ...