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The European Commission adopted the proposal on the establishment of the Reform Support Programme on 31 May 2018, as part of the package for the upcoming multiannual financial framework for 2021-2027. The programme will provide financial and technical support for Member States to implement reforms aimed at increasing the resilience of their economies and modernising them, including priority reforms identified in the European Semester. The overall budget for the programme is €25 billion. It comprises ...

Reform Support Programme

Briefing 23-10-2018

Among the legislative proposals for the spending programmes of the MFF 2021-2027, the European Commission has proposed to establish a Reform Support Programme for structural reforms. The IA accompanying the proposal provides a good review of the baseline scenario, the problem to tackle and the objectives to achieve. However, it concentrates on the expected positive effects of the programme, rather than assessing thoroughly the impacts of alternative options against the baseline scenario like a standard ...

El programa de apoyo a las reformas estructurales para el periodo 2017-2020 lleva funcionando desde mayo de 2017. Proporciona asistencia voluntaria a los Estados miembros para la preparación y la aplicación de las reformas administrativas y estructurales en favor del crecimiento. En vista de la elevada demanda del programa, los cambios propuestos por la Comisión amplían su ámbito de aplicación para proporcionar apoyo en relación con la preparación a la adhesión a la zona del euro y aumentan su dotación ...

Audit work has changed over the years. Compliance audits look principally at the legality and regularity of payments, but they say nothing about whether the political and economic objectives were achieved. A bridge in the middle of nowhere may have been built in respect of public procurement rules and contract obligations. These compliance audits are increasingly supplemented by performance audits, in which you try to answer the question whether the objective was achieved in an economic, effective ...

Kosovo: Informe por país de 2016

De un vistazo 07-06-2017

En junio, tras las elecciones anticipadas en Kosovo, el Parlamento Europeo someterá a votación una resolución sobre el informe de 2016 relativo a Kosovo. En ella se pide el restablecimiento del diálogo político, el rápido cumplimiento de las dos condiciones impuestas por la Comisión para la liberalización de los visados y el mantenimiento del compromiso de diálogo con Belgrado.

La asistencia técnica puede ser una valiosa herramienta en la tarea de planificar y ejecutar los fondos de la Unión. Entre otras cosas, puede consolidar las instituciones y estimular la capacidad administrativa para una gestión eficaz de los fondos europeos. En el orden del día del Pleno de mayo del Parlamento Europeo figura un informe con varias propuestas para hacer que la asistencia técnica sea más eficaz.

Upon request by the AFCO Committee, the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs has commissioned this in-depth analysis on the impact of Brexit on the devolved territories of Scotland and Wales as well as the Overseas Territory of Gibraltar. It examines the economic and political implications of Brexit on these territories, the consequences of the possible return to devolved administrations of formerly ‘Europeanised’ competencies and looks at how Brexit might affect their ...

The European Parliament is due to vote on the Commission proposal for a structural reform support programme offering Member States technical help in designing and implementing growth-enhancing structural reforms. The proposed budget of €142.8 million is to be redirected from the technical assistance resources available under the European Structural and Investment Funds.

There is consensus that the United Nations Development System (UNDS) needs to function in a more integrated and coherent manner. Indeed, despite its universal legitimacy, and its recognition by the EU as the core of effective multilateralism, this network of more than 30 entities is hampered by fragmentation. Intra-system competition is aggravated by the increased use of earmarked funding which is transforming multilateral development actors into simple channels of bilateral aid. Since 2015, long ...

In 2016, Albania came a step closer to EU accession. Despite political struggles, the country set the stage for deep judicial reform and made progress on its five key priorities. Acknowledging this, the European Commission recommended starting accession talks as soon as Albania has shown tangible progress in reforming its judiciary, fighting corruption and holding free and democratic elections.