

Mostrando 8 de 8 resultados

This assessment of European added value finds that revision of the EU's current legislative framework is necessary, notably as regards the regulation of civil liability and insurance. Quantitative assessment of added value, at the current stage of technological development, proved difficult and inconclusive. A qualitative analysis, however, provided evidence that action at EU level would (i) promote legal certainty; (ii) reduce the transaction costs for car manufacturers and public administrations ...

El transporte ferroviario

Fichas temáticas sobre la EU 01-06-2017

La política europea de transporte ferroviario tiene por objeto la creación de un espacio ferroviario único. La apertura del sector a la competencia, iniciada en 2001, ha sido objeto en diez años de la aprobación de tres paquetes legislativos y una refundición. El cuarto paquete, destinado a completar la liberalización del tráfico ferroviario, fue adoptado en su totalidad por el Parlamento Europeo en primera lectura (febrero de 2014) y, en lo que al pilar técnico se refiere, también en segunda lectura ...

Automated vehicles in the EU

Briefing 07-01-2016

Automated vehicle technologies allow the transfer of driving functions from a human driver to a computer. Automation, and in particular digitalisation, of driving will change road transport in a way which is viewed as a revolution in the field of mobility. As human error is the main reason for road traffic accidents, driving which is automatically controlled by a computer is expected to make future road transport safer and more secure. It has also the potential to be more environmentally friendly ...

Significant progress has been achieved during the last 20 years in creating a Single Market for Transports. European tourism is and will remain a vital component of the economy, with enormous economic potential. Both sectors suffer however from remaining barriers, gaps and market inefficiencies that create substantial costs and that could be addressed through further action at EU level. The gains that could be achieved from addressing the identified issues have been estimated at 8.6 billion euro ...

Remotely piloted vehicles or aircraft are not an invention of the late 20th or early 21st century. Adding weapons to UAVs was proposed as early as the late 1940s, although these armed UAVs only came into use decades later. Remotely-piloted systems are also used in science, agriculture, environmental protection, goods transport and border security. New opportunities, such the use of RPAS for regulating air traffic, reveal the challenges in cyber security, privacy protection, national and public security ...

Los adelantamientos entre vehículos pesados de transporte de mercancías pueden provocar retenciones en las carreteras de doble calzada con dos carriles por sentido. La presente nota expone los detalles de los estudios realizados y de los regímenes introducidos en países de la Unión Europea para prohibir a los vehículos pesados de transporte de mercancías efectuar maniobras de adelantamiento. Un análisis de rentabilidad concluye que si se introdujeran estos regímenes en emplazamientos óptimos podrían ...

Esta nota informativa examina el debate actual sobre el futuro de la movilidad y la política vial en Europa. Tiene en cuenta las tendencias y desafíos actuales, como la diferenciación social, el cambio demográfico y los aspectos culturales, y analiza su relevancia sobre la movilidad y el tráfico desde un punto de vista socioecológico. En la segunda parte se examinan críticamente los actuales trabajos sobre el desarrollo adicional de las políticas viales. La última sección intenta definir una cultura ...

Existing obstacles and solutions in view of the revision of the EU regulatory framework. Implications on the possible extension of the interoperability railway system.